VFK Weekly News - Second Edition
VFK Weekly News
Hello! Welcome to VFK Weekly News!
Where you get minute to minute updates
on events happening right now on VFK and Miss Clue!
I would like to start out with saying Thank you so much to everyone that has been reading the first edition and giving me positive feedback! It means a lot!
Today's TOP headline
Easter went off without a hitch!
I must say, I LOVED doing the Easter Egg Hunt and the Melodies. The Prizes were adorable
the Easter Baskets this Year, OH MY GOSH is all I can say. They were packed with a Cute Egg Necklace, Bunny and Cheep Plush, little Cheeps, Chocolate Bunny, Bunny Ears and Eggs.
To answer a question I had last week, They did hide eggs at the Zoo.
Which was exciting because, I know a lot of VFKer's like the Zoo as well as myself!
You can earn you're Golden Bunny Ears by collecting eggs from the Egg hunt.
It takes roughly 325 eggs to unlock the Golden Egg at The Round Table.
Another Wonderful Easter in the Books.
Good job Staff!
Don't forget, All the Easter stuff goes away on May 1st.
In other News
VFK's 9th Anniversary Is NEXT MONTH!!!
It is always exciting around VFK's Anniversary. There's something Magical about this time on here.
I wonder if Colonial Age will finally Open. or at least, The Start of construction this year?! I wonder if we will get another new Animal to adopt?!
I guess only time will tell on this part.
Host Events
The Hosts will be having their Host Spring Events this week. Check the Event Calendar for details.
Also on the Event Calendar, More Space Age Enhancements, New Alien Guestroom, Angora Bunnies arrive and a New Quest from Faye.
Wow, so much going on this week!
Don't forget, You can send Jokes And Special Announcements that you would like featured in VFK Weekly News to me here on the Message Boards.
I will add one joke per edition. So if you think of more, Keep sending them in.
Miss Clue News
I finally got Peril In Pemberley and I must say, It is pretty fun to play!
I Hope that VFK Releases another one to buy!
If you haven't Purchased it, I would recommend doing so!
In Today's funnies
I was doing the Easter Egg hunt at the zoo when I found an Egg INSIDE the Bear enclosure. After much thinking, I decided to distract the bear with honey which worked. However, The honey bee's weren't so happy and I ended up running out of there with a swarm of bee's following close behind me.
That is all for this weeks edition of VFK Weekly News.
VFK Weekly News Poll - Anniversary Edition
- Should Colonial Age Open this Year?!
- Yes!!88.24%
- No, There are other things I'd rather have done first.11.76%

"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
Just a thought; if they started construction on it and opened it next year, that would be pretty cool, because that would be their 10 year anniversary! A big mile stone!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
I like your news discussions! They are always fun to read!! :D
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
There will be a brand new edition out tomorrow!
So check back! :)