start out in locked room use key to open go in
walk to other door see purse on floor , get it find out book is missing
circle around till u find crates and barrel that takes u to secret entry to foyer
walk to where chess set is and book on chair . look for circled chess problem ( number 97) look at placement of chess pieces from bottom to top write down code
Picture A :
also see the animals on side go to window box where u used those animals to open in previous chapter enter the above code
should give u knew hint This didnt always show for me if it doesn't continue on
( sixty seven)
go back to chess set in foyer look in book for chess problem 67
and recreate the Chess problem 67 on the Chess board!
if placement correct secret compartment will open (read paper)
the paper is telling you the combination to the World globe, the cobras means how many snakes you own, the pictures are how many pictures are hanging on the wall going up the stairs. The chess reference is to the book again, you count the number of black pieces. The windows are how many windows are in the foyer.
Go to the world globe and look at the top of it, there should be a knob.
Then turn it like this:
left, 4 times
Right, 10 times
Left, 7 times
Right, 9 times
secret compartment inside globe will open read paper
back up into room further
You start out by going to the panel to the right of the fireplace and put a snake into it. If the snake ticks 2 times, then leave him, if he doesn't try another snake
After the snake ticks 2 time go to the clock and set it to:
2:25 ( clock should go dong dong dong)

I followed dis's picture shown above as u can see where the hands of clock are it show 3:45 ( quarter to four) let me enlarge it a bit more ( even though guide paper shows different)
I know most don't use roman numeral clocks anymore , most clocks now are digital and unfortunately kids today don't learn how to read a clock or forgot what they learned
but I refer you to this site you can scroll down to see each minute of the hour showing review the time for 3:45 ( or another way of saying it is quarter till four)
in your picture below my example that you presented you are one hour ahead in each clock
compare the clocks...
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
Although most of your guide is right, the third time is off. It is actually 4:45, not 3:45. I thought I'd let you know this.
:)FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
I think the most common pieces that are missed are the white pawn behind the white queen, and the black pawn behind the black king, also if everything looks right, pick up a piece off the board and set it right back down and it will open the compartment! Good luck!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
Hope this helps