Would You Rather 2

WYR (Would You Rather)
- Would you rather
- Be stuck on an upside down roller coaster  0.00%
- Or Be on a roller coaster stuck in fast mode100.00%
- Would you rather
- Get your tongue stuck on a pole60.00%
- Or step in a mouse trap40.00%
- Would you rather (this one i got from google lol )
- Would you rather pry your thumbnail off with a fork100.00%
- Or put a tooth pick under your toenail and kick a wall  0.00%
- Would you rather (back to mine lol)
- Drown In a muddy river40.00%
- Or fall in a sewage plant (eewwwww)60.00%
- Would you rather
- Go to disney world In your underwear40.00%
- Or take a hike in high heals60.00%
"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
@SkyLamb thx I thought so maybe next time i'll add a 3rd option