All Ride Compatibility with Space Ride tracks

Ahead of the Halloween Ride Competition, it would be awesome if we could use the invisible Space Ride tracks on any pre-existing ride type. It would have a lot of applicable and creative uses like making boat rides sail across water carpets instead of river tracks, or having a mine cart "jump" a broken piece of track, or having a ride reach the "end" of its track before hurtling out of control down a cliff!  There are a lot of creative ideas a player can come up with on why their ride has abandoned its track, and the best time to introduce this new feature would be during the ride contest!


  • Thank you for posting this!! I was thinking about this a few months back. I STRONGLY support this idea, it would open up so much creativity for rides AND flexibility could open up ideas for new interesting ride starts!!!
  • Love love love this!!!  YES WE NEED IT @VFK_Enigma @VFK_Mintie!!!
    I am a total mystery girl!
    Never without my magnifying glass <3
    Thanks to @bluewiz for this amazing Secret Santa Christmas present!!
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