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Christmas Membership idea, GingerBread Dragon mount and more!
Hello all, Ghostly here firstly I apologies for any misspelling or bad grammar i am dyslexic and have a hard time with words still sometimes, secondly, i am returning to vfk after year's so far as i know these aren't a thing and i did ask a few friends first etc, anyways
I was recently thinking christmas is coming up soon and wanted to give enough time for creation if this idea is picked to be made and although i know there is a ginger bread membership, i was thinking wouldn't a gingerbread dragon mount be really cool o :
i asked a few friends and they agreed so i have made up a little Ref sheet here that i think would be a really great addition to do with the dragon mount.
the theme would be sorta bake oriented, so A hold able cookie tray carry item is a must!
a long hair like half way down the back long but not to long if you get what i mean? and a sided braid style with faded ends dip died christmas colors of course! so red,green,white and a set of just plain if you have time if not the dyed ends or a few pain would be good up to you though.
i'm not sure what to do for the boy's hair, if anyone has any idea's message below.
I was thinking a leader hosin and jacket for the boys ( could not find a very clear ref for jacket though or the name ) and the dress with apron for the girls, idk why but when i think of gingerbread this is the outfit that come's to mind and since Attire is usually a few released i think it would be really nice to have these dresses and leader hosins in christmas colors to match the theme so like red, white green, red , white green, red, green.
and as for the hat's for guy's a the hat listed below in different christmas colors but maybe a dark brown one would be nice with red trim for like the Gingerbread theme with a candy cane tucked in the trim and a green or red won with a green or red trim and the white feathery thing or rose but from what i can tell is a common hat worn with the leader hosin style as for the girls i believe the bandana weather it a new deign or old would be a good choice as it is a common hat worn when baking etc and it overall would look nice/adorable with the outfit i drew a small thing below to show what i mean for design but a checkered design in different colors would look just as nice i'll leave that up to you!
as for shoes i think that the flat type would be nice for the girls but the boots are nice to so either works up to you or if you find a better option that works to, i don't know what the boy shoes are called though,
I don't know what the jacket is called either but you'll see people in leader hosins wearing it if you search it up unless you think of a different thing to add on insted of a jacket, also as for the apron a basic color with to side pockets or a christmas type decoration of the rim would look good in my opinion.
I I think the dragon would eat like candiecaines and melted icing to drink for food but i don't know XD and I thought a little hut surrounded by gingerbread and candy and icing with piller's of candy cains at the huts door would be a lovely little home for our gingerbread dragon mount, or maybe a cave made out of gingerbread with icing and candies decorating around it now that i think about it that would be cool as well!, but either option works of course!
If anyone has anything they like to add here comment below ^-^
Anything else i'll leave up to Development if the idea is used or the people in the comments because i wasn't sure what kinda furniture item would be ideal for this membership let alone know all the items in vfk o.o cause there's alot!
but i'm sure whatever it is will be amazing like everything you make!
I hope my ref sheet helps i'm not good with description but imagining is my strong suite so i tried : )

Thank you for taking the time to read and hope you enjoy this idea as much as i thought it would be cool/adorable I mean who wouldn't want a Cute GingerBread dragon mount o:
Ps, Unrelated i thought a gingerbread man pet be kinda cool and funny at same time q:
just a thought though
Ghostly -

my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^