Funniest Past anniversary VFK memberships & Past Halloween Memberships that were funny

edited November 2023 in VFK General
1. Lost world Funny because I always told the joke What did the  raptor say to T- Rex? : Answer : is Hello you Giant Rooster"
2. Bad Bone Funny because it's also a song "Bad to the Bone"
3. Mummies' Monster mash Funny because the Monster Mash is a song 
4. Valley Kings funny because of  I always thought of the song Walking like Egyptian " Bangles .
5. UFO funny is because I always told my space jokes for Example : What did the space alien say to gas pump ?
Answer : Take your fingers out of your ears and listen to me .
6.  Ghost Town membership funny because I always thought of the song Ghost riders in the sky " & Saying Hallow Sliver away!
7. Goose Bumps Membership Funny because I told the Boo who Joke.
8.Spellbound membership funny because I always though of Witches favorite school spelling "
9.  Mad scientist makes think of a Halloween joke I made up What is a mad scientist favorite Halloween Dance ? Answer : The Monster Mash  
10. 13th Ghosts membership makes me think of a Halloween joke I made up okay What is the 13th Ghosts favorite breakfast cereal ?
13th boo -berry!!

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