Make Area 51 Conference Room Tradable!



  • I love all your responses @Flamanar!

    Hearing everybody’s opinions has led me to conclude that the decision doesn’t bother me either way as I have no interest in trading for the room nor do I even have one to trade lol. I will stand by my comment that I do wish we had more items that are *actually* exclusive to those who purchase certain memberships.

    Also I am in full support of @millsfan idea for a ‘Beta Day 1’ badge on the top of our signatures.
  • @Flamanar

    I'll see if I can get a picture of them for you, I know I have the shirt in my closet with the other stuff as well I believe, every founder I knew at the time received them, as I remember talking about the items with quite a few other people, so I know I'm not a unique case!

    @Millsfan it would be a lot of fun if VFK had more status symbols, as far as signature badges go, I'd vote no on that, as I don't want badges I can't remove, so having unique pins to wear is better in my opinion, perhaps what you are looking for is a pin that displays the day you joined VFK, I would love to have a pin like that!

    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • I like to have a pin that showed the day I joined that would be cool since I don't even remember when I joined. I do remember wanting the early memberships when they were released but my parents assumed ( fairly ) that the game wouldn't last a very long time and they wouldn't buy me one. 
  • edited May 2020
    @Blossomflower @cute_lina yes, pin would be cool. However, I would still like a permanent badge on my profile so I don’t have to use a pin slot for a join date symbol.

    To anyone wondering, I received the vfk founder items. I never thought they’d come (since I went years without hearing about them coming). I think it came about 5 years after I bought it. Maybe real items were something they thought could be fulfilled, but they had trouble getting the real items out.
  • @millsfan that's great!

    They must have been sending them out for a while ,as I believe I got mine in 2011.

    What I'd really like to see are more in real items though, not ones sent out 9 years ago.
    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • @Zoee thanks for the kind words.  I'm also in favor of something 'permanent' in the line of a 'badge' or 'tag' above our title to show we were there first.  I'd wear it with pride. 

    I also still feel that the 'exclusive' nature of the items advertised are of importance, and helped convinced people to get in on the 'ground floor' first.  Again...if someone wants to trade away that specialness?  Hmm.  That's on them, but I'd never do it.  Personal opinion.

    @Blossomflower pictures would be -fantastic-!!!  Anything you can find would be awesome :)  thanks!  It appears that the real items were distributed after my family left VFK in 2011.  Even though I made sure I kept our mailing address current.  It's a shame some got the items and others didn't.  Honestly, you're the only one I know who got them (except Mills now, rofl).  But congrats, I'm happy for you both :)

    @millsfan a badge or 'tag' would be awesome.  Can't trade it away and won't take up a pin slot like you said. Whether VFK retained those original records or not is anyone's guess.  I know I have a screenshot of my order, so I'm good if I have to prove when I joined.  Anyone else though?  Jeez, 12 years is a LONG time, and many members were young. I dunno.

    I have my own opinion on a couple of the 'real items'.  Possibly privacy concerns came into play, I could understand that.  Boomerangs were hand made...could have been an issue if alot of people went with the Aussie membership.....WHICH I will post below this ;) 

    Would love to see new real items as Blossomflower mentioned.  The following site is quite popular with companies selling custom merchandise:


    You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick
  • Aussie membership nostalgia:


    You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick
  • @Flamanar I was thinking the same thing about the privacy issue with some of the items.

    Maybe we could have a new pin row above our current pin area we could put "info pins" into and customize them, I wouldn't want permanent badges as I like to change my signature and having something I couldn't remove would irritate me lol 
    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • @Flamanar I was reading the pics and I realized, this is the ad for the Family membership!!!

    I've learned inside the game that there are half members from this past offer. I trade some friends member specials items because they're half members.

    I have a friend who has a room filled with didgeridoo from bottom to ceiling. :O


    Amazing how the prices never changed. Same price today. 

    Wow ok. Now I understand more while seeing these pics. :)

    ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3

    Miss Clue Mysteries Border 2 
    VFK thiefpeasant from enigma 1
    tazzie grinzzzz by moi
    Snazzy beanieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    surfer and her secrets lol
    G FOR GIFT GIFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Screenshot_1 VFK 000 winter65 VFK GIFTTTTTTTTT's BIRTHDAY VFK shy no shy scaleenigma questions my existence


    Made by @bluewiz
    THANK YOU!  

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  • edited May 2020
    Blossomflower said:

    @Flamanar I was thinking the same thing about the privacy issue with some of the items.

    Maybe we could have a new pin row above our current pin area we could put "info pins" into and customize them, I wouldn't want permanent badges as I like to change my signature and having something I couldn't remove would irritate me lol 

    I envision the badge/symbol displayed beside the users title rather than on the actual signature/lanyard itself. Perhaps it could be optional (on/off switch under ‘Options’) for those who wish not to display it.

  • @Zoee that is an interesting idea, it sounds like a badge system I've seen on some forums, though if VFK makes more than a few badges it would run out of room ,so customizing it would serve more than one purpose in that respect!
    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • I'm on board for an exclusive badge that is optional to show (not in regular lanyard) for beta players. But back to the task at hand....Make the Regency Ballroom (aka Area 51 Conference Room) Tradable please!! :D

  • @Flamanar Thanks for posting all the pictures! A trip down memory lane

    @MGMT You have the pin, spinning wheel, and tricorn because you were added to someone's founder's family -- aka "half member." It also grants you the ability to IM and buy/trade member-only items without being a full member. Founder Families are limited to 20 family members. So for each Area 51 Conference Room in existence, there are potentially 20 founder pins, spinning wheels, and silver tricorns. I agree it's odd that they would label the spinning wheel and pin as "exclusive" while also allowing them to be traded, but there is another inconsistency on the same line, since we were never able to claim those with an "in-game code" like it says. I'd like to believe they've already made a decision on this, people have been requesting it for many years.

    @MistyMew I could see the age of the room being a factor if the Victorian Wintery Front Yard room wasn't tradable. I'm pretty sure we could not trade rooms on January 8, 2009 when it released, that feature was added later. And I think it was because the room was a VIP gift to anyone who owned a membership at the time, it wasn't tied to a specific membership nor was it advertised as an incentive for people to purchase one like the Area 51 Conference Room was. It's one of the reasons I support the Mine Tunnel room to be tradable, since it was same circumstance as Victorian Wintery Front Yard.

    @GIFT I think that 50,000 included all the clones who signed up as well, which far exceeded the number of main accounts. Even the antique shop, which draws the attention of the entire kingdom, struggles to get 1,000 attendees so I'm not too sure there would be thousands of instances of the room floating around.

    @millsfan I couldn't agree with you more that VFK ruined Day-1 and Beta status during the 10th and 11th anniversary celebrations. I think updating the artwork to say "Year 1" would be a better solution than making everything lose its status -- that is to say I don't think two mistakes would make a solution.

    @Blossomflower A web store, yes we need this! Would be a great way for VFK to make some money on the side and like Flamanar said, free advertising for them! Great idea
  • @MGMT sorry guy.  didn't mean to derail your initial post, but with the extra info contained in the first batch of pics, it seemed to make sense to include the Aussie info in the same place.  Mods or whomever may move them to a dedicated thread if they so choose. 

    Maybe also a separate thread for some kind of dedicated 'ID' for the legit Day 1 players, so it gets views.  AND another post regarding the possibility of a dedicated VFK real world merchandise 'shop' for VFK swag. 


    You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick
  • @Tomorrow Fair point but my statement remains and similar to what I've stated above, I'd like the staff to dispute my findings and would looooooooooooove if the room become tradable. :)

    ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3

    Miss Clue Mysteries Border 2 
    VFK thiefpeasant from enigma 1
    tazzie grinzzzz by moi
    Snazzy beanieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    surfer and her secrets lol
    G FOR GIFT GIFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Screenshot_1 VFK 000 winter65 VFK GIFTTTTTTTTT's BIRTHDAY VFK shy no shy scaleenigma questions my existence


    Made by @bluewiz
    THANK YOU!  

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    mrs claus lovvvve
    mrs claus 2022 music question
  • @Tomorrow ah that makes sense. I don’t think they’ve made a decision on this yet and are considering making it tradable as I spoke to @VFK_Brizzie about it in an IM. Honestly the best solution is to make it tradable and those founders who don’t want to trade it don’t have to. It shouldn’t matter who’s hands the room is in. There is still a finite amount of that room and it’s not like new ones are being added to the game. The room would just be under someone else’s account.
  • As a matter of opinion, it should matter whose hands the room is in -- exclusivity is important and I can see from this thread that I'm not the only one who thinks so. I trust Brizzie when she says they are looking into it, and I trust the developers will look over this thread in that process, since it's in the Developer Ideas category. As such, there's no need to keep tagging the staff, especially moderators (not developers) who cannot shape that decision like Brizzie, who hasn't logged into Miss Clue in over a year. I'm just making sure my opinion is heard as the dev's look into it, and thank you for providing the space for me to do so. I wouldn't be so bold as to call my opinion "the best solution," since I don't necessarily see a problem.

    We have guest rooms older than our ability to trade them. Some of them trade now, some do not. I don't think this is mere coincidence, I think it was a decision the developers made years ago, and one they haven't faltered on despite many requests. Also, nobody is saying new instances of the room will be added to the game. New ones don't have to be added for exclusivity to be compromised, which is my whole concern.
  • If I want to tag staff so that this thread is visible I will do so but thanks for your concern @Tomorrow

    Thanks for your opinion but I still think this room should be made tradable and a lot of others think so as well. Judging by the likes on this thread and other comments made. You can keep your room nobody is making you trade it. Let the other founders who want to trade their room trade them. Not every founder is on this forum so we aren’t going to just assume because you and Flamanar don’t want to trade your rooms that you speak on behalf of every other founder. But thanks again for your input. I hope @VFK_staff will look into this and make a good decision after seeing how popular this room is and how many people would like the ability to trade for it. There are other ways that staff can make you feel “exclusive” since you care so much about standing out from the rest of us players.
  • @MGMT This thread is visible regardless of tags, but if you're going to tag staff, at least tag the developers since you're posting in the "VFK Developer Ideas!" category. Developers will help you in your quest to make the room tradable, not moderators. Brizzie, a moderator, said they will look into it, so trust her. Trust that the developers will look at threads in a category designed by them and for them. I promise you they see this thread

    Also, I wasn't talking about Flame, I was talking about Mills who mentioned that VFK completely destroyed Beta Day 1 status for their 10th and 11th anniversary celebrations by offering Beta Day 1 items to people who joined before May 22, 2009 (aka joining after Day 1). Exclusivity means something to people, and we both thought the way VFK handled beta day 1 status was a mess. It has nothing to do with our "feelings" so you can stop trying to strawman our posts like that. I don't "feel" exclusive by owning the room, nor do I "care so much about standing out" from other players by owning one -- there are thousands of beta founders according to GIFT's prediction, do I stand out being pooled in with those thousands? No, not at all. There are plenty of players who can appreciate exclusivity of items without feelings being involved, so let's get it straight that this is about exclusivity and not about feelings. 

    Also, nobody is saying that Flamanar and I are speaking on behalf of every other founder. I literally said in my fourth post on this thread that "I agree Miss Clue might not be the best platform to reach every founder, it would probably have to be through email," in case you missed it.

    This will be my final post as I've said everything I've needed to say. I respect your opinion while disagreeing with it, I wish you'd do the same for me instead of distorting what I'm saying to make it about feelings and me trying to be better than anyone else. If I wasn't a beta founder, I assure you I would still maintain this opinion, because exclusivity matters to me. I've already stated that I would love to trade for another room, but not at the expense of the room's significance.
  • edited May 2020
    @Tomorrow I'm not too knowledgeable on who is a developer and who is a moderator so that's why I tag anyone with VFK in front of their name. I'm sure they can disregard if it doesn't apply to them, there isn't much activity on here to begin with so I'm sure they appreciate the notifications.

    This is also my last post on this because I can keep this going back and forth for a long time as well. I respect your opinion but I'm stating mine and you telling me that I'm not allowed to tag staff when others do it on this forum feels like you are personally singling me out for even suggesting to make this room tradable. 

    Last thought is that VFK makes a badge as suggested to show beta day 1 status since that seems to be a big want but I still 100% believe the room should be tradable and should I have been a beta founder member with the room I would still have the same opinion because I wouldn't want my status as a beta founder to get in the way of others enjoying what VFK has to offer. A lot of old members are gone and new members want this room to build with. So my opinion would be the same.

    Again, agree to disagree. Different opinions. Let's see how staff want to approach this. #MaketheregencyballroomtradableLol
This discussion has been closed.