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Bunnies/critical mass
Staff -really- needs to open more rooms for the Angora bunnies. AND they need to shorten the time it takes to have a rabbit sit on your lap. The current bunny events are ridiculous. Too many people in a room and too many bunnies. Lag like end of the world.
I was in a room where there were a cluster of bunnies...about 6 bunnies...and they never moved. You couldn't walk/fly through them. Wasted 1.5 hours in that room and got: nothing. Moved to a different room and got a bunny in about 5 minutes.
Bunny events are like watching grass grow or paint dry. It's no fun and takes too long. Attention please, VFK.
ETA: thanks to the people who sent me tips and tricks to make the event more bearable.
You'd be surprised what you can do with the short end of the stick