VIP pack
Ok what are the rules about VIP packs....can I buy a pack from years ago at any time...if so then you had better let players know....cause I was told that I couldn't get a member pack till it was being for instance the dragon rider's packs...I wanted to get that pack back in march and had been told I had to wait till I find a new player has bought it today.....if so..there were a few packs i'd like the link to as i'd like to purchase the ostrich pack in march ..
my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^
EDIT: Also, I want to add that you could always send in a request/suggestion to staff when October comes around and ask them if they would officially re-release the 2019 Halloween memberships again for a short time. I would not be at all surprised if they did when Halloween season is back. The wonderful Staffies are so helpful and always willing to consider player's requests.
my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^
my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^
my signature was drawn by waterfallglow (me)! I did this completely myself using Paint program. :) ^_^