What is going on??!!
I would love to know what is happening in VFK.
For months now we are faced with delay delay delay of things we were promised (and paid for). Things don't work right, things don't load.
Players (myself included certainly) have been asking and no information is forthcoming.
Just at this moment we are behind on..
- gifts from Christmas membership 'that were supposed to be daily'
- Carnival bundles are how many weeks behind
- Seeds - (those used to be the 18- 20th)
There are multiple party favors that don't load, there are multiple items that don't work. As I've posted elsewhere, its become a joke that nothing comes out on time. Why? Why is it on the calendar for you to just move it? Then move it again and again! Why does everything happen after 11pm Eastern time? Why tell us we are getting things with our paid memberships and then kicking them down the road indefinitely.
It's getting frustrating. It's getting disappointing. I know you all @VFK_Enigma @VFK_Mintie keep telling us everything is fine but its obviously not. I know you know I am not the only one complaining, just the one that asks the questions...
It's not Christmas - this has been months and months - way back before Halloween.
What is happening??!!
And before anyone in this forum gets on their high horse - oh they work so hard give them a break yada yada yada, listen, nobody loves VFK more than I do so just forget that. People don't get upset about things they don't care about. And a lot of us pay a lot of money for these memberships and this game so forget that. Ok? ok..
I really hope these issues will be resolved in the new year!
I have played VFK for the past 7 years and never seen it like this! :(
I agree, I'm fine with not having new item releases/host events every week. With so many going on, it's also hard to catch up. I just finally did my elf encounter today. So IT IS OKAY if we get less releases and events, just take your time to complete it, and release it on time, that's all :)
I think January would be a great month for staff to possibly work on things before the next big holiday on here (valentines day)
I will say that the Anniversary celebration this year was without a doubt their best yet, but things seemed to go downhill fast afterwards. This Halloween and Christmas were by far the most lacklustre I’ve ever experienced on VFK, and I don’t particularly mind fewer releases if it means they’re getting themselves caught up to release things that actually work on time, but it wasn’t like that at all. It still seemed as if everything was delayed, and if it wasn’t delayed, it was a spinning circle, unfixed for hours, days, weeks... It’s disappointing, because looking at a jam packed event calendar gets hopes up for an exciting holiday season, but I can’t even keep track of what releases, or doesn’t release, anymore.
Not to mention, memberships always seem to be a bust. I’m really not sure why they thought that daily gifts would be better for them than weekly bundles this time around, because it seems to be 10 times worse. I honestly can’t even tell how far behind we are; it’s THAT bad. And as someone else mentioned above, we Canadians pay quite a bit more with the exchange rate, so it really feels like we aren’t getting what we feel we should and would get when we purchase.
I know they are working hard to rewrite the game to be playable without Flash, which is why I tend to cut them some slack when I see people tearing them apart. I’d imagine that isn’t an easy task to do, but please, VFK staff: schedule less, don’t get our hopes up, and stop biting off more than you can chew.