Purr's Perilous Blog #2! (Changed Title)
Hi, y'all! Back with my SeConD installment of this blog!! Hope you are enjoying your day and your family!! (Hugs)
Day 2:
Hi! I have been running around VFK doing errands and what-not. Soooooooo now to my day! xD Well, not much--got up, did my pills (I'm not sick with something life threatening, I'm just a health nut who is working to clear her body of toxins!), ate food, and started VFK for the day!! I should be cleaning, but that will probably happen later this evening.
My mom is enjoying getting a day to JUST relax at HOME. She is constantly go-go-go. Poor Mom (♥). She and I have been enjoying listening to Celtic Music and other folksy stuff!! =D Though, I think it gets on her nerves sometimes because she is trying to focus on something else. ^_^ So when this did become apparent to me, I turned down/stopped my music for her sake after she asked me. It was hard, I must say I am selfish and love to play my music A LOT to her chagrin (OOPS).
I really have nothing to say except that my big brother is moving out on Saturday!! :O Can you believe that (more like can I)?! He's moving into his new apartment so that he can prepare it for some of his grooms men who are going to need a place to stay. By the way, my brother is getting married Sep. 7th!! EEK!! I'm SUPER DUPER stoked for this event. :))))))))
(OKAY, so MAYBE I had MORE to say...I just needed to get the old mind rolling! :D)
I get my brother's room once he moves out, BUT I will sure miss him. He's my only close male relative I can trust. My dad..he..lef-----Nope! I can't say it. :( It still hurts EVEN if I've worked through the anger part of it, though part of me says it still HURTS there somewhere deep down. :(
BACK to something more cheerful. Ugh. I still need to work through that last bit! Oh well, I cant't just shrug that last bit off, so I'll just have to stomach it and work it out. Of course, by God alone and counseling can I. Please pray or hold a thought for me to face this!! (THANK YOU and MAJOR hugs!!!!!!<3)
Whew! Lots and LOTS of thoughts here! :)))))))) I also want to add that TOMORROW it will get warm here again! EEK! Hopefully, I can get outside and enjoy the fresh new blessed weather!! (I like my use of the word "blessed.")
Hope y'all have some warm and cheery weather going on!!
((((((((MEGA HUGS))))))))))