Depression Diary #1
Hi, everyone! I'm starting this diary to map my journey through my day-to-day life. I really don't know how to write one of these kind of things (blog maybe?), so please bare with me! :)
Day 1:
So today I got up and well...it wasn't the best of days (as usual). I mean it was NOON when I finally awoke or so. I keep bad hours, but if I try to sleep I can't. :/ Sad but true. You kind of feel dull and sort of eh if you were me. Things you should be doing that day run through your mind and overwhelm you. You also dread having social interaction with your mom when she gets back from work around 12:40-something or sometime after in the afternoon. It varies. Though 12:40-50 is the normal estimated arrival time. Anyway, back to the point--ME, being an introvert hates social interaction. I wasn't originally this way, but circumstances change (namely home-life) and I changed with it. Not really more to say without it getting weird for me.
My mom usually talks or works quietly because she's tired. She is very sweet and I love her dearly but I'm afraid she talks too much for my own taste. Mostly, because of my stress levels. Now to not "boo" her down, let me CLARIFY that I'm the SAME WAY--if not worse since I'm a kid with no vocal control it would seem. My poor mom, she gets it all; singing, yelling, laughing (LOUDLY!), and you name it! I really do feel bad for her. I can't always help it because its a way to express what's truly going on inside of me--namely, a distraught turmoil of angst and sadness at life. Anyways, a typical day! :) <<<<<<<<<(This smiley face seems wrong! >:U)
So I am at an end of words now, so let me bid you a sad adieu for TODAY! :D