VFK Theatre - "Sirens" Re-Make

Hello everyone! I know I'm posting a lot on here lately, but it's a place I feel I can really talk.

Anyway, I want to produce a stage play here on VFK. Or possibly a movie, but I want your opinion.

So way back in the day, when the grass was still green, and the ponds were still wet, and the clouds were still clean... You get the point. I had the opportunity to see the rehearsal of a play called "Sirens" that was being put on by a user called EtherealAmity. Some of you may remember her and that play, or everyone else that knew about it doesn't play VFK anymore. I believe it was about a mother and her two daughters hiding in their bomb shelter after the sirens go off. I thought it was fantastic, and now.. possibly with the help of several people on here, I want to remake it. I want to re-write it, and let other people be able to experience when I did when I saw that play. 

If any of you would like to see this, please let me know! I want to know if  me doing this will be worth it, or a waste of time because nobody cares.
Thank you!
 HBForever's Signature
Thank you @Purrfect


  • I would definitely love to see another play on VFK! 
    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • That makes me happy! I was talking to my friends and they were saying that people on VFK nowadays seem to really only want to trade. Nobody seems as active in these things anymore. If we can make this happen, it will be amazing. Thank you for your support @Blossomflower!
     HBForever's Signature
    Thank you @Purrfect
  • I would love to see this!! Just IM me when you’ll be doing it!!

      Thank you, @TacoCat!

     Thank you, @Jessizoid!CARYMN8MKODW
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