I really agree with everything you said, @Zoee . I'm honestly kind of upset about the recent bundles (probably the last month or so). We were getting some really good stuff for a while, and even the red bundle I didn't mind. I loved the red, but red is my color. Like Zoee said though, it doesn't scream ghost dragon bundle to me. I would like to see more pastelly teals, and what not. The dragon rider outfits that we were getting, I wouldn't even mind the re-colourings of those! As for the hair styles, I don't HATE them, but I would really like to see the hair style that the ruby hair came in come back, but fixed to work better with the feather and beanie.
I'd really like to see the rest of the precious gem color hair styles come in.
@FracturedMemories I agree about those dragon rider outfits being recoloured, I don't mind that too much. I pretty much bought the membership solely because of how pretty they are. I'd love to see a pale purple version of it (duh). I just feel like an entire bundle shouldn't be centered around a recoloured version of an item. If they're going to give us something recoloured, have something super cool and unique in the bundle as well and have the recoloured item as more of a bonus.
Agreed. Since these bundles last the longest I totally think this should be when they add really exclusive colors for the hair. Colors we don’t get anywhere else! I kinda feel like this membership has no direction. I expected spookier, more ethereal/otherworldly items. I am worrying in general that so so much of what we get is just a single item in multiple colors, it’s getting dull. Not to mention half the new furniture you cannot even use! I don’t see the point.
I'm not trying to start anything but you're suggesting a Rococo style (Which I LOVE don't get me wrong totally love it) and complaining about the Rococo items that have come out? Isn't that a little contradictory? I mean I think it's great to suggest other things but if you don't like what has come out why suggest more of it? like wha??!
Rococo table
VFK table
You're complaining and then asking for more of what you're complaining about :-/, and I have to say I totally love the new room it's so cool and elegant really love the marble floor the red bed is something we've never had before, we've never gotten a dragon chandelier etc...
@iStella That’s not at all what I said... “..I think dainty, stylistically classical, Rococo-esque furniture in the same aforementioned hues... and for a while we got just that. The bundles were going well and stuck true to their original concept.”
Key words = “and for a while we got just that.”
I love the furniture we got at the beginning of the bundles. I am asking for more unique items in this sort of style, instead of constantly getting recoloured versions/ever so slightly different versions/duplicates of what we’ve already got.
I love the new room too. And I know the red chair/bed thing is new, but literally nothing else in that whole bundle was except maybe the hair which is only slightly different than previous dragon hairs. And again, I just don’t think the red coloured furniture suits this membership. And, yes, we have gotten chandeliers.
@iStella I was referring to the Phoenix one. But it’s besides the point anyways, I didn’t even mention the dragon chandelier. I don’t have a problem with it. I think you got the impression that I’m saying it’s all bad and that’s not what I meant at all. The membership has aspects that I like, which is why I bought it after all. But for a while now, the bundles have been very lacklustre for me, and in comparing the ghost dragon bundles thus far with the griffin bundles, it’s pretty clear to me that one was thought through much more than the other. Just my two cents.
I kinda feel like this membership has no direction. I expected spookier, more ethereal/otherworldly items.
I am worrying in general that so so much of what we get is just a single item in multiple colors, it’s getting dull. Not to mention half the new furniture you cannot even use! I don’t see the point.
Key words = “and for a while we got just that.”
I love the furniture we got at the beginning of the bundles. I am asking for more unique items in this sort of style, instead of constantly getting recoloured versions/ever so slightly different versions/duplicates of what we’ve already got.
I love the new room too. And I know the red chair/bed thing is new, but literally nothing else in that whole bundle was except maybe the hair which is only slightly different than previous dragon hairs. And again, I just don’t think the red coloured furniture suits this membership. And, yes, we have gotten chandeliers.