Need to rake leaves

So from what I can gather from the walkthroughs, at this point I need to rake the leaves in the gazebo.  But when I hover over them with my rake, I can't seem to get it to turn red or do anything if I click.  Any suggestions?


  • Have you already raked over by the fountain and opened Cassandra's trunk?

  • I have opened the trunk, and I just tried raking over by the fountain but can't seem to rake there either.


  • Hi @Queen_of_Colors,

    That's very odd, could you list what you have in your inventory?

  • I've got:
    broken red tile
    key with wooden handle
    trunk key
    dust cloth
    list of items for box in kitchen
    fountain painting

  • It looks like you're doing terrific!  The next step would be to open the Peacock box upstairs in the secret baseboard compartment and take out the contents.  If you've already done this you need to speak with Mrs. Danforth about it!

    After you talk to her about the box she should ask you to rake leaves and you should be all set!

    If you have trouble let us know and we will look into is further!

  • Mmmmkay, so I reopened the Peacock box and took the poem out (didn't realize I could take that with me) but I still can't talk to Mrs. Danforth about anything or rake any leaves.


  • That's very interesting, reviewing your latest saved game would tell us exactly why you can't rake, if you would like to send us the saved game just follow the instructions below!

    You can find your saved game, by clicking the Start button and selecting Computer.

    A window will popup, paste this path into the address bar at the top of the window and press enter:

    %APPDATA%\com.missclue.secretofthehauntedgarden\Local Store\saves

    The folder that opens, will have one file per game-save you have created.

    Find your saved game file (it will have the same name as your save in the Miss Clue menu), and send it to this email address:

    This will be very helpful in solving the problem!

    Let me know if you need any more information! 

  • Hello, I am having the exact same problem, so I went back and read the walkthroughs, I have completed everything, the only thing I can think is maybe I picked up the rake too early in the game? were you able to find a solution? @VFK
  • VFK_Mintie said:

    That's very interesting, reviewing your latest saved game would tell us exactly why you can't rake, if you would like to send us the saved game just follow the instructions below!

    You can find your saved game, by clicking the Start button and selecting Computer.

    A window will popup, paste this path into the address bar at the top of the window and press enter:

    %APPDATA%\com.missclue.secretofthehauntedgarden\Local Store\saves

    The folder that opens, will have one file per game-save you have created.

    Find your saved game file (it will have the same name as your save in the Miss Clue menu), and send it to this email address:

    This will be very helpful in solving the problem!

    Let me know if you need any more information! 

    Hello @VFK_Mintie I am having the exact same problem, I have done every other task, and spoken to Ms. Danforth about everything. After reading through the walkthroughs to double check, the only thing I can figure is I picked up the rake too early in the game and now the sequence is off......Were you able to find the solution? 
  • @Knichole

    If you could send us your saved game using the instructions above, we can investigate it and let you know if there is a step that was missed or if there is a bug in the game!

    Thank you very much!


  • I'm at this point and stuck as well. I'm a Mac user, is there any way to investigate this?
  • Hi @BriefCrookedMove

    We have not received a saved game from those who are experiencing this, and we have been unable to recreate the problem on our side.  If you would like to send us a saved game where you are stuck, we could fix it, and also push an update which would fix it for anyone else in the future!

    If you would like to send us the saved game just follow the instructions below!

    Here are instructions for a MAC Computer:

    You can find your saved game, by opening Finder, clicking the "Go" menu in the top bar, then clicking "Go To Folder...".

    In the window that opens, enter this text, and press Enter:

    ~/Library/Application Support/com.missclue.secretofthehauntedgarden/Local Store/saves

    The folder that opens, will have one file per game-save you have created.

    Find your saved game file (it will have the same name as your save in the Miss Clue menu), and send it to this email address:

    Let me know if you need any more information!

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