Dumb State Laws

So, I was recently looking through my state's laws, and I've found some pretty dumb ones.
Have any of y'all heard of some pretty dumb laws from your state/country? What are they?
(You do NOT have to say the name of the state or country; just the law.)
Here's one of mine, even though I would never be in this situation anyway: It is illegal for one to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing up.
Pretty dumb, am I right?
Here's another: It is illegal to shoot a buffalo from the 2nd story of a hotel.
Does that mean it isn't illegal to shoot a buffalo from the 2nd story of your house?
 HBForever's Signature
Thank you @Purrfect


  • Ok every state needs to go through all of their dumb laws and get rid of the ridiculous ones.
  • Another is that it is illegal to milk another person's cow. I can't forget this one: A recently passed anticrime law requires criminals to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and to explain the nature of the crime to be committed.
    Also, the entire Encyclopedia Brittanica is banned here because it contains a recipe for making beer at home. Really, very stupid.
    When two trains meet each other at a railroad crossing, each shall come to a full stop, and neither shall proceed until the other has gone.
    In one city here, it is illegal to dust any public building with a feather duster.
     HBForever's Signature
    Thank you @Purrfect
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