Best Guest Rooms
To add some activity to the game.. I believe there should be a tab added to the room list where we can submit a room to the list for it to be entered for the best guest room.
There are a lot of builders out there that build for fun and I think their rooms should get recognized. With all the furniture being added during holidays and etc It causes players to build amazing rooms.
Unlike the annual competition rooms.. for best guest rooms
- Pin with date
- SMALL trophy.. with month or date
- Some Contest Points
- Credits [ 100,000 ] ?
I believe the prizes should be an award ribbon pin that says "best guest room [month]" therefore a player does not keep getting the same pin if they won again [ blue, white & gold colored] for vfk's colors
around annual competitions or surprise host blitz.. the best guest rooms should be put on hold onto the next month so everyone can focus more on annual competition [ or if anyone has any ideas to make this better]
Around small holidays where nothing are done.. I believe that there should be special themes added to best guest room according to that holiday such as "Valentine's day, Saint Patrick's day, Easter Sunday, Anniversary Month?? etc"
Just like usual competition they should clear room before start
Usually entry time & building week about 3 weeks in and the last week should be mostly about judging?
*Would be interesting to see a staff picked room & players picked room
What do you guys think..?
I liked the double blitz.. gave me something to do on vfk. .I believe this will help out as well
oh whoops sorry I read that wrong.
No not necessarily. Just something to help players earn contest points and keep players busy. there are weeks where there's only 2-3 host events.
I feel like this should be a room building contest on the side that just gives the players something to do, something to work for, something to compete in. A lot of room builders out there who has to wait months for a room building contest.
I feel like best guest rooms can help players with their room building skills
but to answer your question yes should run a little differently. annual competitions should always outweigh the best guest room.
it got the last vote to push into the best guest room selection!
I love this idea! but the only fault I see is that there's only a popular tab list which means only popular rooms makes it on that list In a sense not much rooms that have been created would make it there
so maybe adding a best guest room tab would help out that situation and anyone can enter one room to be added on the list.. people can go and check out the rooms probably anomalously so favoritism does not play much of a part? or titles even doesn't really matter.
but I love your idea as well :)
to add: like a great example would be how they added the winning rooms under the event tab. great way to visit rooms that would like to be nominated
@Munchykin Oh That's wonderful! I was just thinking if you visited a friends room you could do it, but I worried that would mean someone's room might get picked who didn't want it picked. your idea of a new tab is wonderful!!! but some rooms might be submitted that nobody likes would it just stay forever? maybe there is a time limit for how long it's up like and event? what do you think?
Actually that friend thing is not a bad idea :o I like that! but we don't have much players like we use to back in the day so it might be not as much rooms..
I was thinking since it's player of the month.. rooms should be cleared at the end of the month and create new rooms for the next month therefore it encourages more room building.
I also think that in a way they should also be "mini competitions" such as specific time to make a room and enter themselves for best guest room, giving time for players to go down the list and rate rooms(judging), and rooms picked at the end of the month.
Not sure there's so many ways they could go about this! haha