I'm so excited to finally submit all my “out of this world”
ideas that have been floating around in my head since the last space month. Get
your favorite snack because this will be a long post.
Note – I am posting my Space Month Ideas on both the
Developer Blog and on VFK’s Miss Clue Message Board. The best place to read my big post is on the
message boards because I can easily section off all my different ideas into
separate spoilers that can be viewed individually, and have more freedom on
posting pictures.
I do have some simpler suggestions for SPACE AGE such as
items, but this Space Month I am mostly wanting to focus on suggesting very BIG
projects for Space Age that have been in my mind for a while... and would make
Space Age feel perfected. I know ideas take
time to develop, but note that they will enhance Space AGE IMMESNELY! Some of the big projects could lead into
VFK’s big 10th Anniversary and come out then if they would take too
long to develop during Space Month J.
Please feel free to read all my ideas, or if you see an individual idea that interest you, feel free to view that specific idea.
The first small idea to start Space Month…all 3 Space Age
Mini Games should give DOUBLE credits… to help pay for all the awesome space
items that will come out.
To Start Space Month, let’s go back to how the previous
Space Month left off…
UPDATING The Alien Shop
Updating The Alien Shop – The Alien Shop was an amazing new
exclusive area for Aliens to hang out and shop, and has a lot of potential…but
it hasn’t been updated much. New Alien
outfits, weapons, and furniture would be nice to see in the Alien Shop. New
Animation to the Alien Shop would also be very exciting. The big window in the shop should have flying
saucers fly by… some in the distance, and some that are very close to the
window. Perhaps we can even see an
appearance of the Alien Buddy’s floating outside the store windows (this would
be so adorable).
New Alien Store NPC – Roswell - I suggested last space month that a green
alien named Roswell gets added as the shop owner. He is not just any alien, but VFK’s SMARTEST
alien in Space Age.
Background on Roswell - He built the entire Alien Shop
himself, and is responsible for many technological advancements in Space,
including invention of the Flying Saucer; plays a big role in our position of
being an alien in VFK.
Appearance – Roswell has green skin and wears a royal black cloak
with purple designs on it…he also has a purple cape with a big collar. Roswell confidently sits in a high tech
floating chair he created by himself! He
sits with his head rested on his right hand and occasionally manages floating
hologram screens in front and on the sides of him (he’s busy restocking the
stores inventory). He is located on the lower right side of the store. He even has a floating cash register!
Updating the Alien Shop might be a nice way to begin Space
Month since a lot of players were looking forward to new alien gear last Space
Month. To start Space Month, simple re-colors
of the current grey cloak would be nice, along with new skin tones for Aliens
(Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Red). After
basic gear such as different colored cloaks and skin tones release, perhaps new
gear to release such as high tech armor, space suits and mystical space outfits
could release.
Note to developers – IMPORTANT FIXES to the Alien Store –
Alien Exclusive Area – One of the cool perks of going on an
Epic Quest adventure for seven days is to not only get the enchantment, but to
access special areas that were previously inaccessible. I was pretty sure the Flying Saucer at the
Space Port was to only let aliens ONLY to enter the Flying Saucer to get to the
alien hall and alien shop, but humans are able to easily walk in. I think the verification scanner at the
Flying Saucer entry at the Space Port is broken…it should be fixed to let aliens
only in to the flying saucer and players should not be able to turn off the
enchantment once they enter the exclusive area (similar to other epic quest
enchantment rooms).
-Make the “way out” that is currently positioned where you
enter the Alien Hall exit to The Space Port Entrance Flying Saucer entry pad (instead
of the Galactic Trading Post that it currently leads to). The proper way to access
the Alien Hall should be by entering the Flying Saucer on the Space Port, not
through the Galactic Trading Post. The
Alien Hall exit brings players to the Galactic Trading Post… this “way out” should
be fixed.
Space Port Flying Saucer Verification (idea from last Space
Month) - The Alien scanner near the entry could be a VERY COOL feature if
implemented. Instead of clicking the WAY
OUT and simply entering, the flying saucer, it would be neat if when you click
the way out, your character gets scanned to verify you’re an alien.
Upon being scanned, two light blue circular rays appear
moving Up/down on your character. If you are approved, the two blue circular
rays scanning you turn GREEN, and your character automatically walks into the
Ship. If you are NOT wearing alien
enchantment and the SCAN denies you, the blue rays turn RED, and your character
walks away from the entry. Sound effects for the scan/animation on the scanner
would also be VERY COOL.
Alien Scanner Animation– As far as the animation goes for
the scanner, it would be very cool if when scanned, the Two blue beams near the
entry flash from the current blue color, to white, quickly (as if the scanner
is scrutinizing your character, and processing information very fast to
complete the scan).
The Space Scanner module that is determining the information
will also flash colors on each blue, green, and yellow button, and the screen
will have graphics indicating if you’re a human, or an alien.
Once the scan is complete, the scanner will show an image of
an Alien face if you’re approved, and if denied, show a big red X. The two
circular, blue rays on your character will either turn GREEN if you’re approved
to enter (ALIEN), or turn red if you’re denied (any life form other than an
alien). I know this would be a very
technical feature to implement, but would only make the entry to the saucer
even more realistic of a scan, and would be amazing. I know VFK is capable of creating amazing,
fun, and realistic experiences, and this compels me to suggest it.
FLYING SAUCER ENCHANTMENT - This is probably one of my most
suggested ideas to VFK EVER… I have suggested
this every Space Month, but I’m glad it was never made because over the many
Space Month’s as I’ve evolved the idea of Flying Saucer Enchantment from being
a game enchantment to now being an enchantment you craft by working with the
shop keeper of the Alien Shop. Here’s a picture of the enchantment I made
Here’s my idea for how Flying Saucer enchantment would work
in VFK – Positioned in the middle of the Alien Store is a blue Flying Saucer
hologram. When you click it, you're greeted with an
image of the alien NPC of the store who shows you materials required to craft a
flying saucer enchantment. This mission will
send alien enchantment owners all over space age searching for new “out of this
world” space crafting materials (new specific crafting items required to make the
flying saucer enchantment).
The idea of building/crafting Flying Saucer enchantment gives
Space Age a new unique feature for the age, while also giving those that have
completed the Epic Quest for Alien enchantment more of a benefit. It would be
truly fun to allow aliens to work very hard to “build”/craft this enchantment;
aliens will have to search for tons of space items scattered throughout space
age, collect new elementals, and maybe even have to play mini games in space
age for a chance at acquiring flying saucer pieces.
----I want to emphasis that flying saucer enchantment is NOT an
Epic enchantment like BAT or FAIRY enchantment (which are a single enchantment
you earn once and last unlimited). Flying Saucer enchantment is a normal star
enchantment, which can be combined to get 5 stars. It is important for it to be
a star enchantment so ALIENS (Epic enchantment) can use the flying saucer
enchantment at the same moment. If Flying saucer enchantment was an epic
enchantment that lasted unlimited, you can't use alien enchantment while also using
flying saucer.
Additionally, Flying saucer enchantment being a star enchantment
allows for more replay value in VFK (and excitement) as it allows players to
set a goal and work towards something (building the flying saucer/repeating the
adventure to upgrade the flying saucer’s speed). Aliens that craft their first
Flying Saucer enchantment (1 Star) are only getting started and are not done
with their adventure of creating the greatest spaceship in VFK. Once you craft flying saucer enchantment, you
can continue to approach the flying saucer hologram in the alien shop and work
with the Alien Store NPC to build more flying saucers.
Once you build your first flying saucer enchantment, you can redo
the crafting of the enchantment, get another star and combine it to your other
enchantment to. Each time you combine a
flying saucer enchantment (the goal is to get 5), you are essentially “powering
up” your ship. The flying saucer does
not change in appearance but simply fly’s faster. It always keeps the look of
the Flying Saucer design seen throughout vfk (Flying saucer lamp, Flying Saucer
rug, and the giant Flying Saucer seen outside the Space Port which aliens
Repeating the mission and combining multiple enchantments allows
players to power up the ship and make your flying saucer travel around the
kingdom faster (plus it will last longer since your Flying Saucer has been
upgraded anywhere to 2-5 stars!). Being
able to replay the space adventure of trying to craft more and more flying
saucer enchantments (people will try to go for a 5 star) allows for another fun
feature in Space Age to participate in, and adds a whole new benefit to being
an alien in VFK.
Note – Humans can ride in the flying saucer enchantment, but you
must be an alien to enter the alien store and participate in the crafting of
the flying saucer enchantment.
Updating The Galactic Trading Post
Updating The Galactic Trading Post – The Galactic Trading
Post was a room I did not touch when suggestions updates for all the other
rooms in Space Age last space month because I wanted to first focus on the
smaller rooms before I even mentioned this store since this store is a project
of its own and needed attention when other rooms were done.
I strongly feel the previous Space Month enhanced space age
immensely, and The Galactic Trading Post is the last room that could use a lot
of attention to make Space Age fully updated.
The Galactic Trading Post is probably the most used and
beloved room in Space Age because many players have spent a lot of hours here
working on Space Expeditions here, along with shopping here. I’m not suggesting
the rooms get changed entirely, I want players that come here to still look at
as the same shop, but just get updated in a FUN way that maintains the feel of
the original. Note - when updating this
room, I am suggesting that the camera angle (semi zoomed out) is kept, along
with the overall layout staying the same, yet with some updates that make it a
bit different than the original (so people still recognize the room they’ve
known for so long).
Suggestions regarding updating The Galactic Trading Post –
Updating the upper level walkway – It’s time to make a
designated hub area to access the many areas of Space Age that are currently
scattered all over the store! The Galactic Trading Post is a hub to access many
areas of Space Age; my idea for accessing these areas is to take the upper left
part of the room that we have currently (the upper level walkway which can be
walked on to access the Station Upper Level), and imagine copying, and then flipping
that walkway we have now to the other side of the room too (so there will now
be two intersecting walkways to access areas in the store- the walkway on the
left that we currently have, and now a new walkway on the right side of the
These walkways at the top of the Store are to be the
designated area to access many “way outs”/doors to enter rooms in Space such as
The Station Upper Level (which we have now in the store as the only way out
through the upper walkway), along with other areas.
The way out to the Station Upper Level should stay the same
(at the upper left most spot of the walkway to keep the original room and new
room similar). Additionally, new way
outs such as a doorway leading to the Space B4 room can be moved to the right
of the Station Upper Level doorway; on the opposite side of the room (right
side), the new walkway can be a way out to the Star Docking Bay game that is
currently hidden (I did not even know this way out was in the Space Shop until
recently), and VFK’s Space Age Eclipse racing game can get a doorway “way out” to
the right of the Star Docking Bay way out.
Upper Level Elevator – Positioned in the middle of The
Galactic Trading Post store, (in between the upper level walkways) is a cylindrical,
giant high–tech elevator with clear glass doors. This elevator is going to not only make the
shop incredibly unique, but also give a fun way to access the upper level. Click the elevator and enjoy the short ride
as you soar through the store to reach the upper level. Once the elevator reaches the upper walkway,
the doors open and players can decide which way out they want to walk to.
High-Tech doorway signs – Above all of the doorways on the
upper level that lead to areas in Space Age are new Blue high-tech signs (which
are big enough to fully display the room that “way out” leads too). These signs are similar in design to the
laser tag lobby signs, but the signs in the Galactic Trading Post will not
scroll because they will be sized to have enough room to fully display the room
title). Above the doorway signs can be
small space for windows to view the stars and outer space.
Visual Holograms – Each Door way could also have a neat 3D
hologram to the right of the door, which relates to the room that the doorway
leads too. For example, the Station
Upper Level can have a hologram of a of a jetpack, the B4 Mission can have a
hologram of an astronaut, the Star Docking Bay with a hologram of the
spaceship, and the Eclipse game having a hologram of a Space car. If having 4
Visual holograms would cause lag for players shopping or doing their space
expeditions, perhaps these visual holograms next to the door could be made
instead to static images displayed below the room’s title on the High-Tech
doorway signs.
Having these way out’s on the upper level of the Galactic
Trading Post allows the Galactic Trading Post to not only take advantage of its
upper level space (which is currently only used for one way out), but also
enable the room to have much more space on the lower level to make it look like
a store.
Lower Level Updates – With more space now on the lower level
(way outs and doorways moved to the upper level), the lower level can now have
much more space to display clothing items and furniture. Space gear can be displayed on the walls such
as the left wall, which currently is the B4 “way out” (but if that door gets
moved to the upper level walkway, the lower level wall will be open for
displaying space clothing). Space gear
can also be displayed throughout the shop on clothing racks and space
chairs/furniture can also be on display.
Solaria’s Area – Solaria’s area can be moved to the center
of the shop and get a circular spacey desk (to allow for the area surrounding
her to be the area to display clothing and furniture in the store). The Space Expedition scanner remains on her
table, and she gets a futuristic cash register at her table. The Angry Planet Teleporter will be
positioned to the right of her desk.
The Epic Quest for Jetpack enchantment - The Biggest Space Age Update EVER!
The Epic Quest for Jetpack enchantment -idea has been in my mind for many years, and not only in my mind, but certain VFKers have also told me how (as space fanatics), they too have longed for this idea. This enchantment will send players on a 7 day Epic Quest to learn about the history of space travel and the fantasy of jetpacks! Upon completing all seven days to the Epic Quest, players will receive the Epic Quest enchantment -“Jetpack Enchantment”, and be a part of the VFK SPACE ACADEMY. Jetpack Enchantment comes with many perks (besides allowing you to travel around VFK and look awesome). Jetpack Enchantment allows players to fly around in a VFK SPACE ACADEMY Space Suit, travel around VFK in a Jetpack, and access new regions of Space Age!
Jetpack Enchantment Design – When I first started thinking of the idea of an Epic Quest for Jetpack Enchantment, I knew I wanted the default Jetpack enchantment Space Suit that players wear to be modeled after an actual Space Suit used in the real world to tie it in with the “history” aspect of VFK. I researched different real- life spaces suits that have existed, and sketched out my Space Suit Jetpack outfit design based off the suit that I found would not only work the best for a vfk character flying around, but that also looks different than anything we’ve seen in the game before.I selected the “ACES” Space Suit as the design for the default Jetpack enchantment Space suit outfit (which is given to players that complete the VFK Epic Quest for Jetpack Enchantment, along with their first default jetpack). You will instantly sport this galactic gear with your Jetpack upon activating your Jetpack Enchantment! The VFK SPACE ACADEMY Jetpack features powerful silver rockets with black caps on them that allow you to soar in the air, and the jetpack has two black straps that easily tighten on your shoulders like a backpack!
Here is a sketch I did in 2015 when this idea originated and I was thinking of how the space suit could look -
I did not draw the jetpack back then and did not get to draw it now due to being here is a picture from the internet of how I envision the default VFK SPACE AADEMY Jetpack could look
The VFK SPACE ACADEMY Space Suit (based off the ACES space suit in the real world) is bright orange in color, features a very neat high-tech white helmet (which has a dark tint to the face shield), and black space boots. The helmet will have a tint, but won't be entirely black (so players can see each other’s faces). The most important part of what makes the Space Suit unique to VFK is the VFK SPACE ACADEMY logo on the upper left of the suit! This symbol on your suit proves you are official VFK SPACE ACADEMY member! The VFK SPACE ACADEMY is a group of expert space travelers who have proved their skill in space travel. The VFK SPACE ACAMDEMY logo is NOT new to VFK! The SPACE ACADEMY logo has been seen throughout VFK in areas including on the entry area of the Command Deck, and even featured as a pin from second day of the Epic Quest for Alien enchantment!
Here are reference pictures of the ACES Space Suit from the front and back. Note that In VFK, the SPACE ACADEMY LOGO will be on the upper left of the suit, and a jetpack will be on the back.
Exclusive area – Lunar Surface - Once you have acquired Jetpack enchantment, you can enter the mysterious door seen in The Station Upper Level room that is currently doing nothing (but it’s a lot to get used in a big way!). Before I get into details. - Just somebackground information, I have had the idea for Jetpack enchantment in my head for many years; with the new Space Age rooms updates that came last year, the Station Upper Level room was updated in a way that fit PERFECT for my Jetpack Enchantment idea. Once I saw the hologram in the room (that was added in a new room update), which says that the door leads to the “Portal to the Universe”, along with the VFK SPACE ACADEMY LOGO RIGHT next to the door, I just KNEW the Jetpack Enchantments exclusive area’s entry was destined to be here!
Now for the details -
If you’re using Jetpack Enchantment and click the door located in the lower left of the Station Upper Level room in Space Age, your character will be allowed to fly in the doors (if you are using
Jetpack enchantment), then the door closes. Once you fly in and the door shuts, an elevator (the elevator is not visible since the door closes and the Jetpack user is simply nonvisible because
they’re in the building) raises you up to the upper level. A few seconds after the lower level door
closes, on the upper level a circular high-tech hatch opens (this will have to be added to the room through an update). Once the Jetpack user has entered the door, the door closes, they ride the elevator up, and has reached the upper level through the elevator (which leads to the hatch), the Jetpack user is able to fly to the “way out” on the upper left side of the Station Upper Level, and reach the NEW exclusive JETPACK Enchantment area – “Lunar Surface”.
Lunar Surface – This new exclusive area (for Jetpack enchantment) is the hub for all things Jetpacks and for people who enjoy space!Colonized by humans who are a part of
the VFK SPACE ACADEMY, this new area in Space Age is nothing like anything players have ever experienced in VFK! Upon entering the Lunar Surface room, players are positioned in the lower left of the room near a space building with closed doors (this closed doorway is where the “way out” of the Upper Level led to, the exit of the Station Upper Level, the entry to the Lunar
Surface). Players will be in for a treat when they realize they went from their typical Space Age rooms (being enclosed in space buildings) to being completely out in open space on a colonized Moon to explore!
Lunar Surface Appearance - Players can now explore the surface of the colonized Moon! From the grey craters which players are able to fly across as they explore the Lunar Surface, to seeing a real Lunar Lander up close in the lower right of the room (positioned high up on a lunar rock), seeing astronauts riding lunar rovers on the bumpy lunar rocks, or simply looking out into the vast outer space atmosphere, there’s a lot to look at while on the Lunar Surface. With all the detail in
the foreground, there’s still a lot to see even in the distance! The Lunar Surface is the best spot in VFK to get a great look at Earth from the Moon… allthe way in space! You can even see Space Shuttles and VFK SPACE ACADEMY satellites flying around in the background.
If you look toward the upper right of the room (up in the sky), players get are able to get a great view of the VFK SPACE STATION (which VFK SPACE ACADEMY experts live in). On the Lunar Surface players can enjoy the beautiful sky shows out in the open space atmosphere by seeing the shooting stars that occasionally fly by, and gazing at the many shades of blue in the atmosphere.
The Lunar Surface sure is a place to enjoy outer space.
The Jetpack Store- The Lunar Surface is not just a vast land
to explore with nothing to do… The Lunar Surface is the ONLY way to access the new Jetpack Store located all the way toward the upper right side of the Lunar Surface. The Jetpack Store offers all the latest Jetpack technology and space gear!
New jetpacks and space suits, along with other exclusive furniture, collectibles,
and gold stamp space merchandise can exclusively be found at the Lunar Surface
Jetpack Store.
Store appearance – Players enter the shop in the lower leftside of the room. Space Suits and Jetpacks can be found on display throughout the shop on display tables and mannequins. Space suits and Jet packs are also displayed across the left wall of the store; slightly above the space suits/jetpacks on the left wall are windows to view the Lunar Surface atmosphere outside the
shop. The store has a blue and grey color scheme, and is very high-tech. The shop owner is located at the back of the room, greeting all jetpack owners as they fly in the store.
Jetpack Store owner NPC – Spaceman Sam - The owner of this
shop is known for being the expert of Jetpack Technology and always stocks the
latest gear in his store!
Appearance – Spaceman Sam (The Jetpack Store NPC) wears the white
Space suit we have seen in the 3D space games and on the “Moon walker”
pin. He wears a typical standard
Astronaut suit and specializes in many types of jetpacks, be sure to check out
his latest items.
Crafting - The Lunar Surface can also be used to mine rare
lunar space crafting materials to create “out of this world” items. Find enough
new lunar space crafting materials and bring it to the space crafting area on
the Lunar Surface to create wonderful new exclusive space suits, jetpacks, and
This Epic Quest for Jetpack enchantment would definitely be
an awesome addition to VFK and would be a dream come true to all the space
fanatics that dream of exploring new areas in Space Age. Additionally, The Epic Quest for Jetpack
Enchantment would add a brand NEW way to travel around in VFK even when you’re
not in Space Age! I look forward to when Jetpack Enchantment gets added to
Notes to Developers –
-Jetpack enchantment is an Epic Quest. Players must complete all 7 days to receive
the enchantment and enter the doors in the Station Upper Level (leads to the
Lunar Surface).
-The Jetpack Store is only accessible to Jetpack Enchantment
owners who enter the Lunar Surface.
-All Hair, skin tones, glasses, and face customizations
available for humans are available when using Jetpack Enchantment.
-Players can use the arrow keys to move up and down in the
air when using Jetpack Enchantment.
Updating the Space Age Map
Once the Galactic Trading Post Moving Rooms on the Map - I noticed the Space Age map specifically connects the rooms on the map in a weird way that doesn’t make sense with how the rooms actually connect. I spent some time moving the rooms around on the map so the rooms connect the way they actually do. I had some challenges connecting the rooms properly on the map, but I did get it done. I noticed most of the maps in VFK connect the rooms in a way that makes sense in relation to the “way outs”, but the Space Age map connects rooms in a weird way. For example – the entry of the Observation Deck points towards Night Fighters (when the upper left way out of the Observation Deck is where you get to Night Fighters). Other examples include the way out in the Station Upper Level that leads to The Galactic Trading Post shows (on the map) that it leads to the Command Deck. Additionally, the way out in the Corridor that leads to the Galactic Trading Post shows (on the map) that it leads to Laser Tag. Please look at the current Space Map and my updated map to see the changes I made. Space Age Mini Game Map graphics – Space Age is home to THREE Mini-Games , which are some of the coolest games to play in VFK! It would be very cool to make these games stand out on the map so new, unfamiliar players can easily see these games, and players just exploring the Space Age map can see all the fun areas in Space Age in a colorful fun map. This idea came My ideas for Space game icons are… Laser Tag Map Icon – A blue laser tag character (blasting his space weapon) on the left side of the icon, and a red laser tag character on the right side of the icon. Not only would these graphics easily make this mini-game stand out to players, but it would just be fun to look at when walking on the map and let people see how fun this age is! Space Pirates Icon - An alliance ship on the left side of the icon and a Space Pirate ship on the right side of the icon. Additionally, blue ammo can be seen fired from the ships. Night Fighters Icon – This game features many different space ships so the developers can be which ships to highlight on the map icon. Perhaps since this game is mostly played with a lot of players the map icon can feature four ships blasting ammo across the icon. This might be too much though so in my example I put two ships. I also noticed that other ages have cool art, writing, and pictures on their map, yet Space Age has nothing so I added the VFK SPACE ACADEMY logo near the Station Upper Level (to go with the Jetpack enchantment exclusive entry to the Lunar Surface and Command Deck) and an Alien head next to the Space Port (to go with the exclusive alien world). Here’s a before and after picture of my vision for updating the Space Age Map After (Updated map) - The Galactic Trading Post will go under construction, and when it re opens then the map will be updated since all of Space Age will be updated (and the Station Upper Level will have the hatch on the upper floor to access the Lunar Surface).
is updated and the hatch is added to the Upper Level in the Station Upper Level
(to access the top floor) all rooms in Space Age will have received their
greatest update! I’m so thrilled VFK has updated Space Age! Looking at the newly updated map will truly
give a great look at how much all of the rooms have updated. For updating the map, I really like the blue
space background we currently have, so it would be great to update the Space
Age map icon’s picture to the updated Space Age rooms.
from me observing some of VFK’s other mini games on their maps which have unique icon’s, such as Fireworks have firework graphics on the icon, Audubon birds having a different font than the other Western icons. In every other Age, their games stand out on their map while Space Age (the biggest gaming Age) does not highlight all of its games as much.
More Space Ideas - More Space Ideas - Pins, Enchantments, Guest Rooms, and More - New Space Guest Rooms – These ideas were thought of last Space Month. I don’t expect new guest rooms since I’m suggesting a lot, but just posting these in case it inspires the developers in any way. Space Station Room – I would love to get a new space station room that is large, and basic inside. You enter a door on the left, and on the right are the glass windows that overlook space. The room is zoomed in and scrolls, has an overall grey/white color to the flooring and floor, Simple Space room – A Black room with stars and planets in the background the flooring is a glass flooring positioned in floating space Lunar Surface Guest Room – This room is exclusively earned by collecting lunar rocks with Jetpack Enchantment This room has the flooring as the surface of the moon. The lunar horizon sky in the background features a dark atmosphere with shades of blue and shining white stars. Space Enchantments - Teleportation FX – This spacetastic enchantment will go on sale for limited time to celebrate the newly renovated Galactic Trading Post! When using teleportation enchantment, white and blue lights move upward on your character with shining stars. Once you select an area in the room you want to teleport to, simply click on the ground where you want to teleport. If you have a 5 star Teleportation enchantment it will recharge very fast, allowing you to have fun teleporting all over a room. -Cost 50,000-100,000 credits for 1 star enchantment Shooting Stars enchantment – This enchantment can be made as a collectible to celebrate the opening of the Jetpack Store on the Lunar Surface (Jetpack Enchantment exclusive store). -Cost 50,000-100,000 credits for 1 star enchantment Space Pins – I have some new Space pin suggestions for Space Month. One of the pins is a pin I thought of last Space Month that was not used so I’m suggesting it this Space Month again. Lunar Lander Pin – This animated pin shows a massive lunar Lunar Rover Pin - This animated pin takes place on the moon Roswell Alien Pin – I thought of this pin last space month…the full animation sequence is specified in description. Roswell is present blinking with his hands on the bottom of the pin (as if he is holding on to the bottom of the pin). Roswell will then be seen with his eyes bulged, and he opens his mouth surprised, happy to see you. Then he proceeds to wave with his left Quest Prize – Flying Saucer Hat New Space Expedition items- I have two ideas for Super Rare clothing but any new items would be awesome. Astral Cape – A dark blue cape with stars on the back of it. The inside of this cape is very cool as it has an animated galaxy look! Astral Staff – A blue space staff with a circular orb on top that has a spinning galaxy in it. Space Month Puzzle Lamps – I previously posted these pictures on the Miss Clue Message Board last week, but am including in this post too. I originally drew these sketches when I sketched out the VFK Space Suit. If I had to give VFK a goal of what would be best for Space Month (plus its big 10th Anniversary), I would love to see the updated Galactic Trading Post and The Epic Quest for Jetpack Enchantment. Those two updates would be so great for Space Age in VFK. Happy Space Month! -millsfan
lander landing on the moon! After landing, it takes off again and fly’s across
the background.
and shows an astronaut riding a Lunar Rover back and forth from left to right
on the pin. He appears riding in the foreground and then in the background.
hand. Once he puts his hand down, he jumps down to the point where the camera can’t see him. Then we see Roswell appear on the left hand side going horizontally across the pin to the right, traveling on a jetpack. Then he will come from the right and go across the pin to the left. Then he comes back up in front of the camera and the animation repeats.
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
Hi! Thanks for the comment Gift, Happy Easter and April Fools Day : )
Last time they took 1 lamp idea from 2 people so if someone else has suggested a lamp on here they might choose that 1 instead. So maybe your lamp could be handed out in a maze or something? idk just guessing XD
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
@Holly did you suggest something like this? I can't remember where I read it lol
Where can we get this?
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥