Tradeable to non members or no ?

Not sure where to ask this but I found items that I would like at gold stamps, and I'm not a member. If anyone knows if they're tradeable let me know please :-) also I don't know if crafted items are tradeable to non members either?

-Highland clothes
-Red nose face paint


  • I'm pretty sure the red nose can be traded to anyone.  I'm not sure about the other outfit! I'll find out and let you know
    64HBS56TE0AI TY Jessizoid!

  • When you open each outfit it will say these: VIP Tradable, Non Tradable and Tradable! I know at the top of my head, some Jesters outfits aren't tradable, same with Scottish Highland Girl outfit and Cave outfits. Genie is tradable to anybody!  My clones have them. Then most items are VIP Tradable. Hope that helps!

    ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3

    Miss Clue Mysteries Border 2 
    VFK thiefpeasant from enigma 1
    tazzie grinzzzz by moi
    Snazzy beanieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    surfer and her secrets lol
    G FOR GIFT GIFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Screenshot_1 VFK 000 winter65 VFK GIFTTTTTTTTT's BIRTHDAY VFK shy no shy scaleenigma questions my existence


    Made by @bluewiz
    THANK YOU!  

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