So Tide Pods... Teenagers' New Favorite...Snack?
So apparently, for some reason I cannot fathom, fellow friends and peers of mine are doing what we call, "The Tide Pod Challenge" Which, just the name itself is totally ridiculous. Sure, they may look pretty but do they taste pretty? No, not at all, unless you've got something wrong with your brain that causes you to think so. Was this ever even a good idea in the first place? No. Who started it? No idea but whoever it is, kind of needed to not. And finally, how many hospitalizations is it going to take for you to realize, "Hey wait, maybe we shouldn't eat these..."
I don't know. But for stores to have to result to this:
Is kind of ridiculous...I mean, really? I'm a teenager too and doing dumb things is kind of in our nature but to not have enough common sense to know that this isn't something you should be doing... geez. And look, this is directed to my own friends as well who spend their free time jumping trains and considering things like this.
And look:
And then there's this concept: How about instead of putting those toxins in your mouth, maybe put them in the washer instead, yeah? And if you still choose to eat one after that: At least you'll have clean clothes to bury yourself in.
"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
TY Jessizoid!