Just A Rant. (I apologize if anything inside this rant, should you choose to read bothers you.)
Why does everyone act different depending on who they're hanging out with and when? I don't understand it all because I'm generally the same person no matter who I'm around and it bothers me because knowing a person who does that, you have to learn all fifty of their personalities and it's ridiculous. Especially when they're around their friends and they outright treat you like you are scum just because around his friends, he's too cool to be nice to you. The same "friends" that spread those rumors about him, about me, and those same rumors he only cared about for his image and not mine. Honestly, are brothers even meant to be a blessing? Because he's not a blessing at all and while we have our moments where we act like the best friends we used to be, its not enough because if you outright say you don't want to be seen with me in public, and insult me to my face in front of all your friends, you're a terrible human being. It's one thing speaking to me like that behind closed doors, in private, but in front of your friends who only join in on mocking me, laughing at me and shouting "oohs", its sickening. Who, by the way, still have the nerve to call me "hot" when you're not around and make stupid disgusting remarks- honestly.
I mean, I obviously fake migraines for no apparent reason other than to cry and get sympathy because I'm just that pathetic, right? I faked my toe fracture which occurred over the summer because I was apparently trying to get out of playing soccer which, by the way, I completed an entire season as it was still broken and not even healed properly.4
And then you get mad when I say I hate you, and I hate your friends. You call me stupid and antisocial and use the fact that you can easily get A's and B's while goofing around in class to your advantage as I'm struggling to pass. And you think you're actually popular? Funny. That's not what they say when you're not around. Face it, brother, they hate you and the always will no matter how you try to act around them. And to be honest, I hate you too. "Nobody likes you, everyone in my grade hates you," You say on several occasions and while that may be true, at least I'm not denying it and then there's you. The delusional one. Why can't you act the way you do when it's just us, me and you? I understand siblings fight but I don't think they're supposed to be like this.
I'm not weak, brother. While I may not be strong I can still hold my own and when you shove me of course I'm going to flinch! Honestly, even if you're faking it because with you I never know if you're actually going to do it. You're just like them and I don't like it. I might as well hang out at school around them because the way you act is enough to cover all of theirs.
You're not cool. Being a total jerk to your family, to your siblings isn't cool. Making fun of the house my mother worked so hard to buy when she was on her own trying to get a job and take care of the three of us when are parents were separated for a while, isn't cool. And while you say it's easy to get along with people here and in this town it isn't. While this might be your place, it isn't mine. So don't make fun of me when I say I want to leave. And don't accuse me of running from my problems which is really only you in itself.
And I apologize if this language I'm about to use offends anyone who is reading this (or if it goes against your beliefs) but brother, you say you don't mind that people are and laugh at them, cracking jokes that aren't even funny. You say you aren't racist yet you still think it's okay for you to use the word in every sentence and once again, coming up with jokes that aren't even laughable. And then you make fun of my friends, the ones who actually care about me. - even the ones that don't even live in this country because well, you apparently can't form friendships over the internet which by the way I heavily disagree with. And then you make fun of her, the only person I could actually consider to be a real best friend. Mocking her accent which you haven't even heard, saying how she isn't even real that she's probably a (which could be true but I know she's not because I've seen her face, family photos, literal live streams and snap chats all from her that would take forever to fake and they might as well write free candy on their white vans in the process).
My point is, if you have a problem with me. Keep it with me and not anyone else. Not my friends, not even strangers. And don't tell me that I don't actually have friends because honestly, I already worry about that enough without you saying something about it. And you saying I'm fine when I'm clearly not is ridiculous, both mentally and physically.
I mean, I obviously fake migraines for no apparent reason other than to cry and get sympathy because I'm just that pathetic, right? I faked my toe fracture which occurred over the summer because I was apparently trying to get out of playing soccer which, by the way, I completed an entire season as it was still broken and not even healed properly.4
It's just...people like you, I don't really like them much. They try to hard to please society when society in itself is a mess all on its own and i know for a fact we don't need to keep generating these bad seeds. I know I'm not perfect, brother, and I know I'm not the nicest person on the planet but my sarcasm is a defense against anyone who comes too close and the insults I throw are to deflect the attention away from me, to get people to go away so I can live happily and in peace. Just stop. I want to see how you really are, who you really are because this isn't you. Or, at least I hope this isn't you because being my brother I know you could be better than that. Better than them. I know it can be worse but I still don't like it. I want you to stop.
(And I'm sorry to you guys if this is too deep, if there's some topics in here you don't want to read I just don't really have anyone to write this to because at the moment I don't even want to talk to my friends. All they ever do is respond with an lol or ok anyway, so what's the point? And sometimes if I'm lucky they'll add an "I'm sorry" and if I'm not so lucky they'll leave me on read just to talk to another friend about how much I complain. I'm just tired of this, tired of all this bull- it's ridiculous, really. So whatever is said here forgive me for saying if my words offend you or something goes against your beliefs. I know some of the things mentioned are controversial.)
"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
I hope its just a phase and not something that'll last forever (though it may feel like it at times) Sometimes siblings get along better when they are adults than when they were growing up.
Have you tried talking to your parents or a family member about this? Maybe even talking to him if possible? (Given that there is a parent in the room)
Sometimes its best to totally ignore the problem as well. When they see that its not getting to you anymore, sometimes they just give up.
Also just giving each other space might help to.
I remember if any of us acted up and was mainly because of a friend we were hanging around at the time, my mom would make us stay home and have family time until we got along again which oddly enough seemed to work for us but maybe it wasn't as bad as this.
I was the youngest of 5 kids and the only girl so I have 4 older brothers. we've always been very close though we had disagreements and small fights where we would go a day without talking to each other as children but in the end, we all made up and I am very lucky to have them. I hope that its the same for you.
It's a nightmare but I've heard they start to grow out of it by the time they're 20-30. Great help that is haha
I have to rant because sometimes you just can't keep it bottled up anymore! Thanks for sharing @frogiepower ever though it doesn't change your brother I hope you feel better after :)
to keep in touch with my siblings even as we get older. But right now
it doesn't look so hopeful!
Keep your fingers crossed