VFK Weekly News - Special Christmas Edition!
VFK Weekly News
Welcome to VFK Weekly News!
Where you get minute to minute updates
on events happening right now on VFK and Miss Clue!
Welcome to VFK Weekly News!
Where you get minute to minute updates
on events happening right now on VFK and Miss Clue!
Today's Special Christmas Edition headline!
wow can you believe it's Christmas DAY already??!!!
This edition is all about Christmas!
Are you excited for the new year to begin?!?
What has been your favorite part about this season?!!
What has been your favorite part about this season?!!
What did you ask Santa for?!!
What did he bring you?!?
Leave us your feedback in the comments below!
Did you go to Mrs. Clause Tea Party?!! DId you get the hat?!
I was so hoping she would have one more as I and others weren't able to get in.. I so hope she returns for one more grand ole party with us..
Are you all ready for the Gingerbread Competition judging to begin?!!
I cannot wait to judge the rooms I had a grand time building my room this time and this is the first time I have entered the Gingerbread competition..
Feel free to post you're rooms below in the comments! :)
Did you all read today's newsletter??!! It is one of my TOP picks for today..
Did you all go visit the Holy room?!
If not go to the Gate House and use the exit on the right of your screen..
Did you all get the new Christmas Membership?!
I would recommend doing that, it is super.
I got mine as one of my Christmas Presents and I was thrilled.
If you already have it, what is your favorite part of the bundle?!!
Mine has got to me those Rugs, The Camel Tent and the Gingerbread Puppy..
Side note: I know I have been VERY inactive here on the Message boards and even on VFK itself over the last few months.. It's like every time I say I will be back on and writing again I don't and I am truly sorry for that.
I have kind of been having a problem here and there with someone and it just makes me not want to play.. However, The good out weighs the bad which is what has kept me on.. :)
I will try my best to keep up my editions and all the latest news in the new year..
Now enough of this. on to JOYFUL News..
Feel free to share all you're wonderful Christmas moments below! :)
Here are pictures of my TOP Favorites this Season.
I hope all my readers have a Joyful and Blessed Christmas and 2018...

My Camel Muffin!

My Night Gown and Doll from Santa!

The Special Ship room from Santa!

VFK's Holy Room!

Today's 12/25 Newsletter!
Special Christmas Poll
- Was this the greatest Christmas Yet?!!
- It was AMAZING!75.00%
- It was OK!25.00%

ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3
ABOUT: Signed up: February 2017 Miss Clue only: March 2017 Regularly playing the kingdom: April 2017 hehehehehe...... Came for MISS CLUE, stayed for VFK <3