MIA (and more)
I disappeared for a while. And I will probably continue to do that for a while as I've actually been busy for once and exams are coming up as we approach Christmas break. Yes, Christmas. It snuck up on us fast, didn't? The last thing I knew was I was walking up to the doors of the high school for the very first time. And now the year is already half over! And I thought they were lying when they said these next four years flew by fast. I'm not ready. I'll be taking drivers ed soon! Then, in another short year, I'll be driving my new car to work every day after school. Man, I grew up fast. I joined this game when I was only nine years old. Yes, nine. And now I'm almost fifteen. I am completely baffled.
I didn't even have time to blink.
I didn't even have time to blink.
And although I think growing up and getting out of here is going to be great, I know it isn't. It's going to be hard, I'm not going to know how to handle it, I'll be completely alone and unable to request help from my parents because I'll likely be too far away. I'll just have to learn how to save money, to do things the hard way and get rid of my stubborn ways of everything being perfect. Because it's not going to be, it's never going to be.
It's kind of scary.
Any advice, though, for these next upcoming years? Saving for college is a must, I know that. I plan on entering some writing competitions and publishing a book to see if I can win/earn some money between now and then. I'm saving up for both college and a trip to new zealand so I can meet my best friend. Nevermind that, though.
"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
Anyway you're way more planned then I am so I don't really have advise to give!
Good luck though and merry Christmas since it's like TOMORROW! -.-