My Life As Lucy Season 2 .:Change:. EP. 6
I looked at mom and then dad, then mo, then dad, and then at the picture. I couldn't believe it!!! Mo and dad had always talked about having another kid or adopting... It was amazing news and I couldn't wait to tell Emma! I picked up the picture and saw a picture of my very tiny and probably cute little brother/sister. My mom turned out to be 3 weeks into her pregnancy. " OMG This is the best news ever! " I said to my parents. We then talked about all types of baby stuff in the living room. Me and my mom decided to watch a movie later that night and to celebrate we had a girls night, and somehow that ended up to me balling my eyes out to her about me and Gavin. I trust my mom, but or some reason I trusted her more then ever. Gavin was my first heartbreak. How could I possibly get over that.
Summer was soon and I was so excited that I didn't have to face the awkwardness of Gavin and Amanda. Amanda and Gavin never became an official couple but they did flirt and talk occasionally which didn't bother me as much as it did before. I won't lie about the fact that I miss Gavin and how I pictured the perfect couple of us together, because Gavin was basically everyones dream guy to be honest. Me and my family were going to head down to Florida for basically the entire summer, because my grandma had gotten back surgery, and my grandpa couldn't take care of her all alone so we decided to help out. We were staying at their place since my grandparents had enough space for us. I was excited as to what adventures will come next in Florida or the summer. It was about time to forget about Gavin and focus on myself and not any boys for a while, But little did I know that was the exact opposite thing would happen.
So sorry I have not uploaded in a LONG time from today to next Thursday I will uplouad every single day a new chapter after tht I will upload weekly.I absolutely love this series omg! My mind is rushing with SO MUCH IDEAS RIGHT NOW JNHGCTVBHNJH OK TTYL THANKS FOR READING LOVE ALL OF YOU!!!!

sporty!! You picked up perfectly from where you left of! 2 thumbs
:-bd :-bd
you should totally make notes of all the ideas running around in your head right now, otherwise you'll forget them! I'm so glad you're excited to write these again, I sooo loved this series!!
BEST OF LUCK!! :D <:-P <:-P