Christmas Eve!
-SCREECH- IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I thought it would be fun to post what we got here on Christmas/Christmas eve! My grandparents came so I got some presents early and OMG I got a hundred dollars and one of the figures I wanted from my grandma and grandpa and my other grandma got me Pokemon Sun! Ahh I'm so excited! :D Here's a pic:
Just an artist who loves anime and video games!
-coughs- GIMME YOUR KITTY! He's so cute :))
My baby fluffy :u
Merry Christmas everyone!! This is what I got! :o
(The random pic of a guy on the beige sketch book is a figure that didn't get here in time xD)
What did everyone else get?! :o
I got mostly jewelry, more fishing rods, and cute clothes. :O xD