RYAN BASS: the next generation - Chapter 5


"Okay...i'll comply to your rules, LIZ the great & powerful." ryan weatherbee said to LIZ the great & powerful. Then ryan weatherbee began to take his shirt off & quin roseboom the giant tennis ball watched with interest but then this guy named colon bostook who was eating a burrito came right up to quin roseboom the giant tennis ball & blocked his view of shirtless ryan weatherbee.
"hi im colon bostook are you a giant tennis ball lets be friends" colon bostook, who was eating a burrito, said to quin roseboom the giant tennis ball, who was sad that colon bostook was blocking his view of ryan weatherbee. Colon bostook kept rambling while eating a burrito as a huge tornado came through & swept everyone up & flung them in different directions. Ryan weatherbee, shirtless, and quin roseboom the giant tennis ball were flung all the way to seattle washington. Ryan weatherbee & quin roseboom the giant tennis ball fell on the seattle washington ground & then got up & looked around & realized they were in seattle washington. Quin roseboom the giant tennis ball looked at ryan weatherbee, who was shirtless, & blushed then turned away. Ryan weatherbee could tell that quin roseboom the giant tennis ball was blushing, which made him blush.
"i guess i lost my shirt" ryan weatherbee said to quin roseboom the giant tennis ball.
"yeah...you almost lost everything. you were really gonna do that to see if that baby was yours?" quin roseboom the giant tennis ball asked ryan weatherbee.
"my child is out there...i must find them. & i'll do whatever i have to do to find them." ryan weatherbee said to quin roseboom the giant tennis ball. Quin roseboom the giant tennis ball thougjt ryan weatherbee was being incredibly sweet.
"you...you have a nice torso." quin roseboom the giant tennis ballsaid to ryan weatherbee. Ryan weatherbee blushed.
"thanks" ryan weatherbee said to quin roseboom the giant tennis ball then this girl named penny milk walked up to them & said hi so then they both drop kicked penny milk because nobody liked her. Then ryan weatherbee took quin roseboom the giant tennis ball's hand & walked down the streets of seattle washington.
"where should we look for the baby?" ryan weatherbee asked quin roseboom the giant tennis ball.
"lets look in this sewer" quin roseboom the giant tennis ball said, opening a manhole cover. Ryan weatherbee & quin roseboom the giant tennis ball climbed into the sewer & couldnt believe what they saw.

Find out what ryan weatherbee & quin roseboom the giant tennis ball saw in the next chapter of RYAN BASS: the next generation.
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