Gateway to more problems
I've always been good with names and faces. That was the one thing I'd never forget, it's like breathing. I knew everyone in our grade, their last names, and some of them even their middle. But lately, I've been forgetting. I was talking to my best friend this morning (Taylor) and went to say her name and I couldn't remember for the life of me, what it was.
Then, I was talking to someone about something of another friend of mine (Morgan) and it totally blanked out of my mind. Also, the pills aren't working any more. I've had fewer headaches, yes, but lately I've been more tired than I have been, I can't seem to hear anyone and I make them repeat it several times. Also, ..... well, I don't know what I was going to say next.
I've been getting dizzy again, occasionally I'd get this blur on my eye. I don't know what it is or where it came from but it comes and goes quickly. A ringing in my ear. Yesterday at supper a sudden shrill ringing sound in my ear. I couldn't hear my dad because of it. Oh, and sleep problems. Even with the meds I have trouble falling asleep (that's probably ADHD though). Although, I HAVE been dreaming again, yay. Just not very often.
I remember one night I woke up from a dream. I was walking and suddenly got struck by lightning. When I woke up, I jolted a few times and felt the electricity, whether this was phantom or not, it was creepy.
My shoulder keeps doing this tingly thing. It starts in the middle of both shoulder blades, occasionally traveling up my neck or into my arms. My ankle did that too, whatever the reason was.
I don't think all of this is related, maybe I'm just imagining it. I don't know. I just want to get better, it's exhausting.
Also, I ran out of my meds today so I don't get to take them tonight. Yay insomnia, not. Oh, and I forgot to do would you rather on Friday and broke my streak. Oops.
A good note is: I got my second quarter progress report. I can't believe the semester is almost over.
I had 5 A's and one B+. I feel smart haha.