Last Weekend (Ghostly encounters) EDITED

edited October 2016 in General

So, last Saturday I woke up before noon, which is something I never do. Well, I decided to spend a couple hours at the park with my dogs. When I got home, I rested for a while.

Around five, my best friend Arizona, and my friend Kali came over.. We hung out and I was super hyper the whole time. Well, after a while we decided we wanted to go to the nearby haunted house so I asked my parents for some money. On the walk over, I had a flashlight in hand and was waving it around screaming "I"M HARRY POTTER!". Yeah....I regret that. You see, when I'm hyper, I'm just as crazy as a drunk person. I don't think before doing anything. The only difference is, you don't forget by morning, you remember EVERYTHING *cringes*.

So, we went through the haunted house, which might I say, was EPIC. I never get scared though, just  exhilarated I guess. But for my brother, Seth, who tagged along, this wasn't enough. He took us to a cemetery. At first, Kali and Arizona wanted out. They're not as brave as I am, so they were nervous and didn't want to go. Now, this was sort of illegal, or not really allowed, but we weren't disrespecting anyone/anything. We were just walking along the paved roads.

After we left the cemetery, we heard voices. Now, I don't know who or what were making these noises, nor did I care. However, Seth got freaked out. One of the noises was the sound of a little girl screaming. She was saying "Daddy! Help! Daddy!" and I didn't even know where it was coming from. The second sound was two little kids (I don't know if they were boys or girls) but they were giggling. They were squealing like they were having fun and giggling. This is what spooked Seth because, well, he's one of the biggest cowards I know.

He grabbed my arm and yelled 'run'. So I had no choice but to run. Well, here's the thing, I always get dizzy when I run, so naturally, I tripped. When I fall, I always grab on to the nearest thing to prevent myself from actually hitting the ground. I grabbed my brother's shoulder and....he went down with me.

We tumbled onto the gravel beneath us, my jeans ripped, and my skin was shredded on both my knees and my elbow. Ouch. Seth, on the other hand, got the worst of it because he fell first and I kind of rolled off of him I guess. He had several rocks inside his knee, it was swollen, and he had blood on his knee and elbow. This happened to be the same knee he had sprained twice before.

Well, after five minutes of lying on the road, we scrambled up so the coming car wouldn't run us over. That would hurt. So, we began to walk and stopped at the nearest curb along St. Louise Avenue, a busy road, to check our wounds. The knee of my jeans was blood stained, and my elbow had a blood bubble (I laughed at it before popping it, I'm weird.).

While we were still sitting, a cop pulled up next to us. Apparently we looked suspicious so he asked if we were behaving. I answered yes and then he told us to "be careful" causing me to tell him, "it's a little late for that."  He laughed and drove off down the street.

Well, we continued walking home when my best friend decided to flip off a group of teenagers on the other side of the street. This caused them to come over. Now, they weren't teenagers our age, they were juniors and seniors, some sophomores. They then kept asking us "Do you want candy." Which I'm pretty sure he was asking us if we wanted drugs.

My brother eventually shoed them off and we dropped my friend Kali off at her house and made our way inside our own. My mom notices us and immediately yells at me. "I JUST BOUGHT THOSE JEANS AND YOU ALREADY RUINED THEM?" *sigh* mothers. This causes my brother to get mad because he's standing there, well, leaning there, with a swollen knee. "Are her jeans really more important than me?" he yelled.

It turned out that Seth's friend, Austin, was waiting with my brother, Austin, in the next room. So he comes out as we finished cleaning up. My best friend and I followed the three boys outside to play basketball. While we were out there, something mysterious happened.  

There's a neighborhood legend on this certain woman. I don't know her name, nobody does, all we know is that she was a heroin addict. Well one day, a few years ago, she disappeared and was never seen again. Until one night last year. So apparently, the woman was seen running down the road wearing a yellow shirt and black pants, screaming bloody murder. Everyone naturally looked outside but once they blinked, she disappeared. Now, from time to time, people still see her.

When I first heard the story, I kind of laughed it off because I figured it was completely made up. That was until I saw her myself. So I was about to shoot a hoop when a moving figure caught my eye. I watched as the person walked under the street lamp and passed me. It was woman wearing a yellow shirt, and black leggings/pants. She had black hair and pale(ish) skin. She had this "irritated mom" look on her face as she walked. So she walked out of my eyesight and I turned my body to see where this girl lived (because I had forgotten about the story) but she was gone. Poof! Nowhere to be seen. She just vanished. Spooky.

Well after that weird encounter, we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Austin, not my brother, lead us toward the park and down a dark alley-like road. I've been on the roads before, heck, I've been on almost every road in this town before, but I noticed that another kid from my grade lived there. Not that I really cared.

After the walk, we ding-dong ditched some people. Hey, at least we weren't TPing, forking, egging, or Saran wrapping cars, right? That was until we got distracted by a series of emergency responders flying down the road. Not literally but you get what I mean. So, out of curiosity, we followed them to a nearby trailer park and watched them put out a fire.

Finally we headed home since it was kind of late. My mom told us it was time to stay inside for the night since our side of town, isn't real good. Here's the thing about our town:

It's one of those towns that are split by a rail-road track. So on one side of the tracks, the bigger and busier half, is the best half there is. It has all of the restaurants, all of the schools, most of the gas stations, and most of the parks. On the other side of the tracks, where I live now, is the worst half. There's drug addicts over here, some creeps, and not so great people. This is also where the poorer people live, which is kind of my family, and we only have three restaurants. We have all of the bars on this side, the down town area, but we do have as frozen yogurt shop nearby. On our side we have an abandoned elementary school, the police station, a newspaper place, one park, one dog park, and both cemeteries. The abandoned school is what they used to make the haunted house. We do have some good houses though, and pretty much all the churches are over here, give or take a few. My neighborhood is alright so I'm not saying it's completely bad.

Anyway, off topic. That's how my Saturday went and my injuries are still there although Seth's swelling went down. See you soon!

(this story was edited. This is different from last night's)

Sorry for all the bad grammar and writing lol, on all of the discussions made today.

"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"


  • Jeez this needs serious editing -_-
    "I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
  • Woww..... That sounds spooky!  You should check out the do you believe in ghosts from DonutLuverr!
    Gosh, to end your week with getting hurt, it doesn't sound like there could be any more things that could go wrong (knock on wood)

    What do you do for halloween?  do you carve pumpkins?

  • edited October 2016
    Very spooky!  ghosts give me the shivers!  I live in about the same kind of town so I know about not going outside at night, I hope you and your brother get well soon!  Please pass my well wishes to him :)

    About being silly, I think everyone acts that way, at least I do, so I'm sure it's normal right? lol

  • @ColourzRnice

    Haha, yeah. I'll check out the blog later and thanks, i've got to go. I'm in class and supposed to be listening
    "I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
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