Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children!

Okay, this discussion is to just talk about the movie (and if anybody wants to talk about the book). First off I have to ask, what is the creepiest scene in your opinion, from the movie. For me, it was anything that had to do with eyeballs. Or maybe the twins lifting up their masks. Mainly eyeballs. 
 HBForever's Signature
Thank you @Purrfect


  • I'm going to watch the movie on Friday cant wait!

  • Me and my sister watched the movie a few days ago and I haven't read the book but my sister has and she says that it was nothing like the book. There was a few things that was in the book but she thinks Tim Burton who was the one who made this movie tried to put all 3 books into one movie and it didn't work out and there were a lot of changes on the movie compared to the book. I think it wasn't a bad movie though! I liked it!
    "May the stars shine down on you."
    -Rosalina ♥
  • It was an amazing movie! The eyeball part was the only really freaky nightmarish part. The twins faces were kinda weird though.
     HBForever's Signature
    Thank you @Purrfect
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