Miss Clue Fanatic: Season 5, Part 1 (Season 5 Premiere)
The virus continues to spread across Pinewood Town, Woodrow Ville, Spritesburg, Birch Island, and Bell Town. Many citizens have fallen ill, some more serious than others. Professional doctors and scientists are suggesting immediate evacuation from these areas until a cure is in progress, but because of the fact that everyone who has caught the virus still have their lives, the mayors of these towns has refused to order any evacuations. But one thing is certain, all experts say that this is a very risky disease, and could cause much damage to the human body. Families of the victims agree to this and say that---
(Martha turns away from the News Channel with a sigh.)
Jane: It's alright Martha, there's nothing to be concerned about.
Martha: Well, if we shouldn't be so worried about it, then why are some facilities closed until further notice? And why are so many people staying indoors?
Jane: Hm, you always know the truth, don't you?
Martha: Mom, why is this happening?
Jane: I don't know sweetie, sometimes things just happen, even with no explanation.
Martha: -Her voice lowers- Even with Lucy?
Jane: -Her expression saddens- Yes, sadly, even with Lucy.
Martha: Do, do you think she'll ever remember?
Jane: Well, after we explained everything to her, she knows we're her family, who her friends are, and somewhat knows who she is... I'm sure everything will get better.
Martha: Well, I wish the process would hurry up already. She remembers nothing about the past, nothing at all! And the worst part is, she's acting like an entirely different person. She acts like a diva who cares about how she looks 24/7, and now she's one of those mean girls at school!
Jane: I know Martha, I know. -The phone rings- Hold on, I'll be right back. But you and Lucy should get ready for school.
Martha: -Mumbles- It's such good luck that there isn't much disease in the part of town where school is.
Scene: Martha is sitting with John and Alice on the school bus, while Lucy is with her mean girl friends
John: And then I said to the pizza guy that he was too late to deserve a tip! Oh man, that argument got nasty... He even ate some of the pizza in my face!
Alice: Wow John! When did this happen?
John: Last year, but I feel like talking about it now.
Martha: -Face palm-
Lucy: -Whispering to her friends- Looks like someone forgot to get their brain checked...
Ivy: Haha! Good one Lucy.
Martha: Be nice Lucy.
Lucy: Oh come on Martha, you know it's true.
Martha: What are you talking about? He's one of the top students.
Lucy: -Crosses arms and looks the other way-
Alice: It's okay Martha, her senses will come back to her.
John: Yeah, it just might take some time.
Martha: I want the real Lucy back, right now.
Alice: It must be hard. I don't know what I would do if I lost Andrew.
John: Um, you didn't even know you had a brother for most of your life?
Alice: You get the point!
John: Don't sass me!
Martha: Guys, stop fighting, You're causing everyone to look this way!
John & Alice: Sorry.
Scene: Back at home, the Darcy family is eating dinner
Lucy: -Is playing on her tablet-
Josh: Lucy, no electronics during dinner.
Lucy: All of my friends are allowed to.
Jane: Well, we aren't your friends' parents. Now put the tablet away.
Lucy: Fine. -Turns off tablet and puts it on table-
Martha: -Rolls eyes and eats spaghetti-
Jane: Martha...
Martha: Okay, okay...
Stay tuned for Season 5, Part 2!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!