Looking For
Looking for:
Crystal Mermaid Items
Fireworks Magic
Packaged/unpackaged Coolers, Refrigerators
Couches you don't need ( Buyable or unbuyable, doesn't matter )
Boards ( Doesn't matter what kind )
Tables you don't use, doesn't matter what kind
Any Junk you don't want
LET ME KNOW ASAP if you have any of these for trade! Say your wants, and we can make a deal
( I am Building a Fashion School, that's why I need the junk, chairs, and table Lol )
Crystal Mermaid Items
Fireworks Magic
Packaged/unpackaged Coolers, Refrigerators
Couches you don't need ( Buyable or unbuyable, doesn't matter )
Boards ( Doesn't matter what kind )
Tables you don't use, doesn't matter what kind
Any Junk you don't want
LET ME KNOW ASAP if you have any of these for trade! Say your wants, and we can make a deal
( I am Building a Fashion School, that's why I need the junk, chairs, and table Lol )
I will be on in a couple hours so let me know if you are interested!