Discussion on....Betrayal. Blog post #1

You know what they say, betrayal often comes from your friends, not enemies. But it can sometimes be considered a good thing. The sooner it happens, the lesser the heartbreak in my opinion. I mean yeah, it'll still hurt, some more than others, but it's better than feeding someone more ammo to use against you for a later time. 
            You should be thankful, if something ends this way. It just proves that they were never good enough for you in the first place. It also proves how much they lost, not you. You lost nothing, the only thing you lost was the facade they were holding. Even if you've been through everything together for 5 or more years. 


             I've been betrayed once but I kind of expected it. After all, things did get a little out of hand before this happened anyway. That isn't the point though. She shouldn't have done it in the first place and we aren't so close anymore.
             It's possible to earn someone's trust back but it's risky. Recently this summer I got into big drama that you've probably heard about. I said things I never should have and so did she. But then she tried to tell my friends to NOT be friends with me because apparently I'm mean and a huge string of profanities after that but my friends stuck with me this time. The girl that was being told not to have my friendship said this

          "I'm sorry but if (insert my name) said something like this, you obviously did something to make her snap. You probably hit a weak spot. I'm not going to stop being friends with someone over your drama. It's yours and not mine." 
And she herself personally told me this when we hung out. I smiled but I'm still not exactly having her my best friend again. I already have a 2nd and 3rd half who's never left since we met.

       But it's your choice to forgive and forget. You don't have to, nobody is telling you to because betrayal is a big deal. It's a choice.

"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"


  • I think that is the perfect way to look at it!  I'm so glad you had some friends who stuck by you!  :-bd
  • @SkyLamb  Thank you. I feel as if I keep getting smarter each time something like this happens. Most of the time I write these blogs because I can only put my thoughts on paper most of the time
    "I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
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