VOTE HERE: Miss Clue Choice Awards Official Announcement and Nominees!
Hey VFKers!! :D

We are SO excited to officially announce the MISS CLUE CHOICE AWARDS - where YOU vote the winners ( Voting is below ) !
WHEN: August 13th - Red Carpet @ 7:30PM EST - SHow Start @ 8:00PM EST
WHERE: Egyptian Theater in Bay Lake
Dress Code: Formal/Glamorous
The stars are gathering Aug. 13 for the first ever Miss CLue Choice Awards in Bay Lake, with your hosts @SportyChic, @PinkyB, and @PigletFan! Featuring show-stopping performances by @PigletFan, @Awesome_Piper, and @SportyChic! Also presenting are @CandyCars, @HBforever, @Super_Princess_Rosalina, @ColourzRnice, @Awesome_Piper, @iMinute, @TacoCat, @MiniLuna, @yellowsummerdaisy, @goldenpuppy, and MANY more! It's sure to be a night to remember :D
Here are some photos from rehearsal!
Hope you can attend the most dazzling event of the year!
@SportyChic @donutLuverr @CandyCars @iMinute @frogiepower @Super_princess_Rosalina @PinkyB @SparkleDream @Awesome_Piper @SkyLamb @Genie @DazzlerDream @kikimerryheart @MistyMew @Disfaniam @renesmee @TacoCat @DoodlePuffLove @yellowsummerdaisy @Cool_Steen @Fowzy @Echo_Panda @MarziPan @SaharaHollyGlow @iStella @Tatiana_SilverHeart @Ormonddude @VFK_Cactus @VFK_Enigma @VFK_Mintie @VFK_Sky @VFK_Tazz @VFK_Vintage @HBforever @PigletFan
- Most Outstanding Game Creator
- DonutLoverr32.46%
- iMinute12.28%
- CandyCars31.58%
- CassandraStar  0.88%
- SportyChic22.81%
- Most outstanding Blogger
- PinkyB  7.02%
- frogiepower38.60%
- Super_Princess_Rosalina26.32%
- DuxRox28.07%
- Most outstanding fantaic/story
- PinkyB39.47%
- SportyChic37.72%
- Super_Princess_Rosalina22.81%
- Most outstanding writer
- SportyChic34.21%
- PinkyB28.07%
- MiloZen  9.65%
- Super_Princess_Rosalina25.44%
- Best Show Host
- CandyCars60.53%
- PinkyB16.67%
- SparkleDream  2.63%
- SportyChic20.18%
- Most Helpful
- Awesome_Piper31.58%
- iMinute12.28%
- Skylamb21.05%
- Super_Princess_Rosalina  6.14%
- Genie13.16%
- DazzlerDream  2.63%
- KikiMerryHeart  2.63%
- Disfaniam  6.14%
- Mistymew  4.39%
- Most outstanding girl
- renesmee28.95%
- TacoCat39.47%
- DoodlePufflove18.42%
- PrincessGirly  0.88%
- yellowsummerdaisy  1.75%
- Skylamb  2.63%
- MistyMew  3.51%
- FrogiePower  4.39%
- Most outstanding boy
- Cool_Steen39.47%
- Fowzy39.47%
- Echo_Panda  2.63%
- Beagie  2.63%
- golfGuy  0.88%
- CandyCars14.91%
- Most Fashionable
- SportyChic37.72%
- PinkyB  8.77%
- renesmee38.60%
- MarziPan  2.63%
- HBForever11.40%
- night_Sparkle  0.88%
- Outstanding Party Host
- SaharaHollyGlow42.11%
- Awesome_Piper42.11%
- PinkyB  7.02%
- orangetail  3.51%
- Cool_Steen  5.26%
- Most active
- DoodlePuffLove  8.77%
- iStella  9.65%
- SportyChic25.44%
- MistyMew  5.26%
- ColourzRNice  2.63%
- foreverhanna  0.88%
- ShiningTheLight21.05%
- Super_Princess_Rosalina26.32%
- Outstanding Fresh Ideas
- CandyCars11.40%
- SportyChic28.07%
- Awesome_Piper17.54%
- AquaBluishTime28.07%
- renesmee10.53%
- yellowsummerDaisy  0.88%
- istella  3.51%
- Best Builder
- Tatania_Silverheart  5.26%
- Adventure_Rabbit14.91%
- CandyCars29.82%
- Ormondudde29.82%
- PunkrockUniverse  3.51%
- SaharaHollyGlow13.16%
- Awesome_Piper  3.51%
- Most outstanding Club
- SportyChic's Book club33.33%
- DazzlerDreams Sleuthing team36.84%
- iMinutes Save VFK Group29.82%
- VFK_Mintie14.91%
- VFK_SKy12.28%
- VFK_Vintage16.67%
- VFK_Tazz35.96%
- HOST_Llama  9.65%
- HOST_FireFLy10.53%
- Best Singer
- HBForever30.70%
- SportyChic26.32%
- Awesome_Piper  8.77%
- PigletFan30.70%
- PinkyB  3.51%

"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!