Chapter 6 walkthrough?

Hey, Im stuck i was not listening to what she was saying it would be great if someone could do a walkthrough!   8-|

th (12)Have a CAKE Day! : D


  • BTW  i'm at the beginning... 
  • here is a link to the chapter 6 walkthrhough:

    this is for chapter 6 from @ShiningTheLight

    Chapter 6

    chapter starts off at generator where you left last time 
    back up from generator and on the wall behind u flip the switches so red light comes on
     exit generator cave -  arrow up once then arrow twice  towards the right when you exit Look in the bushes you see a light  click on the bushes and move brush from the light, you will see stairs going down - enter them
     go to pedestal there, open lid - flip the 2 switches and push red button --- you should see view of the mine  cart appear  arrow  back once from pedestal and  click on cart to enter the cart
    once inside  the cart, look down arrow to see lever dialog says " it's stuck," use oil can from your inventory on it and then click on  lever again  
    when cart stops: exit cart exit and explore the beach beach  arrow to the left over grown area; check crates nearby. dialog says about prybar but dont look for it like i did ( not needed for this chapter )
    arrow back and  return to mine cart,  arrow in and look at bottom of cart, click on bottom, move the levers ( slide the one to left and then click on round lever  once it turns around, click bottom slide again 
     get into cart   look down- use lever to go for another ride part way through the ride the  Engine stops, get out, go up stairs, check generator's red gas can.  dialog says its empty so you must go back to boat to get more gas from engine room 
    trek back through tunnel ( dont forget to turn the electric off )  Return to your ship as you did in previous chapters  and fill red gas can like you did last chapter
    back track your steps and go to generator, fill gas can on it, start engine again by turning the red  handle on side  as before Then return down the stairs to mine car
    Make sure it's turned on at podium still or else start it again  walk around to back of mine cart to enter this time.
    once you  enter the mine cart , arrow  down to pull lever to go on  another ride
    once the mine cart  stops, get out  arrow over  go to only go up the  the stairs 
    once up the stairs arrow around till you see the lighthouse go to steps and door click on door handle , some rocks fall ........end of chapter 
    ~~~~~~~neonheartssignature02~~ ~~~~~
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