Sibling Fights (Tips for if one is necessary) :D
Sibling Fights:
Those of you have siblings know exactly what I’m talking about. We’ve all had them. Right? What if those fights get too intense? What if you both get in trouble for these fights? Well, I’m not a counselor or anything but, I’m here to help.
Rule #1: Try not to get into a fight in the first place:
Seriously though. It causes unnecessary drama. The occasional fight here and there is okay but every day? Nah. If it can be helped, then help it, don’t let a fight unfold.
Not only is it hard on the other siblings who may be put in the middle, but it’s also hard on the parents too.
Rule #2: Try to keep it PG:
You all should know what I mean by PG. The language. Some of those vulgar words can anger someone more or lower their esteem, it depends on how you use them really. But calling someone words like that, it doesn’t help any. If anything, it’ll make the fight even worse than it was.
Rule #3: Hands to yourself, please:
We’ve all had that sudden urge to pick up the nearest thing by us and throw it somebody, right? No? Just me? Okay. I know for sure that we at least threatened it, right?
Anyway. It’s best not to agitate the person even more. Especially if that sibling has a mental disability or is prone to violence. The last thing you need is to end up in the E.R and someone in jail having to explain to your parents what happened.
Yeah, I know it doesn’t really go that extreme but still. Just don’t do it. There’s no need for the Nike Slogan here.
Rule #4: After the fight, don’t drag it on:
Some siblings make the fight last for days on end. My siblings and I don’t do that (Mainly because we never argued over anything that serious.) But it’s not good. It bothers other siblings in the house, your parents, and believe it or not the animals can feel the tension too. My puppy always runs and hides under my covers whenever a fight happens.
Maybe if it’s something so serious, just try to resolve it. Like I said earlier, I’m no counselor but I’m doing my best.
Rule #5: Be careful.
Some people take certain things seriously. So when you’re in a fight with anyone really, use your words carefully. If you’re like me and have no filter, the kind of person who spews out comebacks and hurtful words, it’s not a good thing.
For example: If you’re arguing with a suicidal person, a person with depression, or someone who’s bipolar, or anyone at all really, don’t tell them to kill themselves. That’s not cool. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be saying this because I have told someone that once or twice when I really shouldn’t have. But in other discussions I’ve established the fact that I have a black heart (Being the music lover I am, I am now singing a song.)
Also, if the person is prone to violence, don’t taunt them. It's a bad idea.
An example: “What? Are you going to stab me? Go ahead. Do it.” Like dude, no. Seriously, don’t do that bro. That’s what gets people killed. Regardless of the sibling relationship or not. If you’ve watched the ID channel, you’d know.
Anyway. That’s all the advice I really have right now.. I’ll see you soon!