My Life Story. Part 1
I am a young teenage girl.
As a small child I remember very little. Preschool, Kindergarten, and primary school are one giant blur. And it’s a shame, because my life was normal then. I had a happy family, a military dad, a stay-at-home Mom, and two brother’s. I’ve never had a best friend all of my life, up until I was 10. Confused? This is where my story begins.
I was born in Fort Riley, Kansas. I don’t know much from here honestly because we moved when I was two. We were sent all the way down to Columbia, South Carolina. We lived in a medium sized cul-de-sac if I remember correctly. Most of the houses looked alike and there was a park nearby.
We had a baby sitter named Jessica there. I don’t remember a whole lot about her really. I just remember that she was an amazing baby sitter. I had a school there too. It was called Pierce Tetris I think. I don’t remember any teachers but I do know my brother, my Irish twin, was next door to me. He was four when I was 3.
We stayed in that area for a year I believe. Maybe not even that. So we packed up again and headed to our next destination. It was Fort Stewart, Georgia. We lived in an area called Tomagan Loop. We had a park near our house and I went there often. I remember a trail that led inside the woods that we would go to. On the trail, wild mulberries grew here and we would pick them. They tasted great.
I remember the school there, Diamond Elementary. I was still in preschool that year and met an amazing teacher. I loved that class a lot and when I moved up to kindergarten, she did too. I remember having a friend there. My parents told me we always talked about the weather and apparently we were really close. We even have a picture somewhere. Eventually, due to military circumstances, they left for Colorado. After that nothing was heard from them and Lord knows where they are now.
Anyway, I moved on to first grade the following year and another teacher was there. She was the mind of teacher who was super smiley no matter what. I remember that if you passed a spelling test, you would get a candy bar or something. I think that is right, I’m not sure. But it was after first grade when my dad got news. He had gotten diabetes and his injuries were crippling, not allowing him to be in the military anymore. So once again we packed up and moved.
This time we went to this little tiny town not too far from the base. It was called Midway. I’m not sure why it was named that. I think it’s because it was halfway between Hinesville and Savanna. Here, my life picked up a bit. We were enrolled in Midway Elementary school and to be honest, I hated it. We had to wear uniforms with a belt. Anything you wore with it had to be the colors of the uniforms which was this: White, Navy Blue, and Gold. The pants were Navy Blue or Khakis. They were ugly too.
I spend second and half of third grade here I think. I had a few friends but none of them were close. That was where I got my first detention. It was over something stupid too. Not that I cared because I really didn’t. The school sucked anyway.
My brother’s also hated this school. My Irish twin didn’t have friends either so it was just me and him since we were living in the country. This was when we became really close. I played cars with him and he played dolls with me. We also played house, G.I Joes, littlest pet shops, pretended to be sea creatures in the pool, and played a game called popcorn on the trampoline.
In the summer time, I would go to work with my dad. He worked in a snack shop at the hospital on the military base. His job was to refill all the vending machines in the hospitals and I would help him. I always got paid a little, it was either a snack or money. I loved working with him, it made me feel special.
Life was happy until then. That’s when it started going down hill. It was the time when we ran into family issues so my mom and my siblings moved in with my grandma. She loved in Summerville, South Carolina. It was the middle of the school year.
I made a couple friends, (Call them A and...I dont remember the other.) there too and so did my eldest brother. My other brother never talked about friends so I don’t really know about him.After a while though my brother’s got bored and moved back with my dad in Georgia. It was just me and my mom now.
I often visited my dad and just hung out there. My favorite memory there was in the ditches. At the bottom there was this green slime stuff the only showed up in the summer. We would always take sticks and scoop up globs of it. We called it “Shrek boogers.” We would throw the “boogers” at each other and at the occasional passing car.
Now, my mom after a year, decided to find a home in the town she grew up in, Illinois. She was going to be gone for the whole summer so she sent me to live with my dad again.
Summer ended and my siblings and I had to pack our stuff into a U-Hal truck. It was a tight for four people to sit in the can but we made it work. I was fascinated by the whole trip. We drive through mountains, country sides, and passed my dream city: Nashville Tennessee.
That is so weird I have always wanted to live in a cabin in Tennessee! maybe we will all wind up there one day!