Journal #16 (Double Update Today) Stereotype Rant
- Americans are fat and lazy. No. Stop generalizing Americans. Not all of us are fat and lazy. Yes we love our fast food, video games, television, and fatty deserts but not all of us overeat either. Me, being American, am actually underweight because I can't seem to keep weight on me. Yes I may be lazy but what teenager (other than athletes) aren't? We're young and even though I may not be able to gain weight, others do and tend to manage it well. Not everyone is careless so just stop with this alright?
- Women are weak and men are strong. No, I am not a feminist. Not at all. I just don't like this stereotype. Not all women are weak and not all men are strong. Strength isn't just physical either. Some men can lift 200 pounds and so can some women. Some men have mental breakdowns and episodes of depression just as some women do. Some men and women fight through their problems without shedding a tear the entire time. Strength doesn't vary between the two genders, it varies between your personalities and who you are.
- That all African- Americans are Ghetto Gangsters. This one doesn't concern me but that doesn't mean other people aren't in this one. Not all African Americans are in gangs, live in ghettos, and are poor people on food stamps. All races are in gangs, living in ghettos, or on food stamps. Just because a robbery may happen in East St. Louis, it doesn't mean the criminals were African Americans. This is not only a stereotype but a bit racist.
- Girls are obsessed with popularity and appearance/boy crazed. No. Just no. Don't even go there. I for one, have been girl since the last time I checked and haven't changed. I certainly do not care about popularity, appears, and I definitely don't care about boys. Because of this people assume I bat for the other team but whatever, as long as I know that I don't. Anyway, my point is that there are other girls like me, and no they aren't nerds either. We just simply do not have time to waste or money to waste on things such as makeup and expensive items.
- People who do their homework, read, and study are nerds. Uh no. I do not personally connect with this because, well, I make good grades without it but that's a story for another time. Anyway, this is simply doing what you're supposed to do. It's not their fault you're all rebels who will end up failing the year due to carelessness. Don't hate on those people who study and read. I mean I read, like a lot actually, and do my homework most of the time. Of course I'm not the perfect student and if I made an effort I probably could get straight A's but others are. Just because they're doing what they're supposed to, doesn't mean they're no fun.
- All Jocks/Athletes are jerks and players. Yes, I know I use this one a lot but in my case, I'm not assuming this. Most of them are kind of rude and conceited but not all of them. Once again you're generalizing people. I know a few nice jocks in our grade but I'm not just stereotyping the rest either. I only say that they're arrogant and conceited jerks because I've actually talked to them. Personally, I think this is only because the coaches, cheerleaders, fans, and teachers basically tell them that they're the best. It's their egos that our people have built. And the player thing, anyone can be a player, not just jocks. Not all jocks are players and not all players are jocks. So just crumple this stereotype and throw them away with the others.
- Pink is for girls and Blue is for boys. This one is the most irritating one I've been involved with. Why does everyone assume girls like pink? That boys like blue? I hate pink. I think it's an awful color but I get stuck with a lot of it. Like my grandma, who knows I hate pink and being girly, purposely sent me a pink sweater and some makeup. She's constantly trying to change who I am because I'm not girl like my cousin who I hate with a passion. (It's a long story). Anyway like for breast cancer, since it normally occurs in females they made the ribbon pink. Seriously? And people say since I hate pink that I hate supporting breast cancer. No. That isn't it. I'm just tired of generalization.
- Blondes are unintelligent. Seriously guys? It's a freaking hair color! Here's a fun story for you: Once my best friend (or ex-best friend now, I think, haven't talked to her in weeks.) died her hair blonde. She's originally a brunette and was never the sharpest tool in the shed. Now, people have forgotten her hair color and every time she does something wrong they say "stupid blonde," . She's not actually a blonde so.... yeah. It's not about hair color.
P.S if you have any other stereotypes please do post them so I can rant about them. :D
"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
"what's your pet peeve?" AH!!!!!!