Follow up #2
Ok so I know you're not supposed to be racist and whatnot, right? Well you know the mess with ISIS I'm assuming. Well there was a Arabian Woman at my church and everybody was worried about it because the people from ISIS said this "We're going to strike small towns..." or something like that so everyone is worried. In case you guys forgot, we're in America. So people are getting freaked out because she was writing something but they don't know what she's writing.
My dad, being a veteran or retired military medic, thinks they're going to blow up our church. I mean, I don't seem to care about much anymore, it's like I lost all of my emotion but that's not the point. I don't understand how people get worked up over everything. I'm not that young, I'm old enough to understand adult things,(Like babies, money, paychecks) but why do people jump to conclusions? I'm not exactly sticking up for them no, but...whatever.
"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"