Journal #1 Pt. 2 6-7-16
So you know how I wasn't going to do anything? Well I took some ibuprofen and laid in my bed and watched the walking dead. Well halfway through the 2nd episode I watched I had a random allergic reaction to something. Might've been what I drank with the Ibuprofen or the pill itself, or something different altogether. I don't know. But my eyes swelled shut, my skin itched really bad and I had random welts. So my dad took me to the E.R. I got steroids and some liquid crap. Needless to say I feel better now and my body proved me wrong. When I said I wasn't going anywhere....well it decided to send me to the E.R
"I'm not great with advice, may I offer a sarcastic comment instead?"
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!