
So I have looked everywhere for the level to open the telescope box and it's nowhere to be found? Any help plz?


  • Hi @Guest655933!

    It sounds like you are doing a terrific job unraveling the mystery!  Here is where you should be able to find the lever you need:



    Good luck!
  • Thanks I found it! Now I am trying to find out where to find papa's papers. I also do not know how to find the clue to get into the little box in the library.
  • Hold on a moment I will get some pictures!
  • Here is where you should find your papa's papers:


    and is this the little box you mean?

  • Yes, that is the box I mean. Thank you so much! It would have took me a long time to have found those papers!
  • The astrolabe box doesn't actually open you just set the numbers on it to get dates from it!

    Keep up the great sleuthing!
  • Ok thanks so much for your help! Also, I have one more question. I see the sign for the hunting lodge except my game will not let me go that way. Is there something I am missing with this or is there a problem in my game?
  • Before you can go there, you need to discover something with the telescope first, have you placed the telescope on it's stand yet?
  • Yes I have. I looked through but nothing interesting happened then. I will try looking through it again.
  • Ok I found it thanks so much for your help!
  • Excellent!  

    Good luck solving the mystery!
  • Thank you!
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