Miss Clue Fanatic Part Eight!

Scene: Martha and Lucy are in their room
Lucy: He must be here somewhere!

Martha: We searched everywhere. He's gone.

Lucy: Do you think the gas leak hurt him?

Martha: No, he would still be here.

Lucy: I hope he's okay.

Martha: Since when do you worry over Andrew?

Lucy: He's my cousin, I don't want him in danger or anything.

Martha: True that.

Lucy: Well, what should we do?

Martha: I say we go to his house.

Lucy: Good idea. Mom, dad! We're going to cousin Anne's house!

Jane: -From downstairs- Okay! Be back before dark!

Next scene: Martha and Lucy arrive at Anne's house

Lucy: -Knocks on door- Cousin Anne?

(No answer)

Lucy: -Knocks again- Hello?

Martha: I guess she isn't home.

Lucy: But there's a car in the drive-way.

Martha: Hmm... Maybe she's gardening in the backyard?

Lucy: Maybe. Let's go check.

-They go to the garden-

Martha: She's not here either. How strange.

Lucy: First Andrew is gone, now Anne!

Martha: She could be on a stroll. You know how much Anne loves strolls.

Lucy: But today is Thursday. She doesn't take strolls on Thursdays.

Martha: Oh, right.

Lucy: Hey, the back door is open.

Martha: Hmm. Let's go in, I doubt she would mind.

Next scene: Lucy and Martha go into the kitchen from the back door

Martha: OMGosh! Look at this mess!

Lucy: It looks like a party was thrown here!

Martha: A party with broken glass and fallen chairs?

Lucy: Parties can get crazy sometimes.

Martha: Well, this wasn't a party.

Lucy: Oh my gosh! Is this blood!?

Martha: No, that's spilled strawberry soda.

Lucy: Oh, phew.

Martha: Hey, do you hear crying?

Lucy: It sounds like Andrew!

Stay tuned for part nine!

FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!

Signature By TacoCat


  • Wow this is getting hairy! does this mean Anne was kidnapped too!??!?!?!!?
    Poor Andrew nothing seems to go right for him!  
    Are they going to tell their Mom (jane) about the mess in anne's kitchen?!?!
    (so excited!)
    ~~~~~~~neonheartssignature02~~ ~~~~~
  • Wow thanks and congrats for keeping this going for so many chapters! @PinkyB
    Thank you TACOCAT for my awesome signature pic!
  • Wow you keep it moving so well!  
    Thanks for part 8!!!
  • Woot woot great work Pinky!  Wow, I wonder what happened to Anne!

    Also what kind of hat did John Hollow find in the previous chapter? (just curious) 

  • edited July 2015

    @Fowzy He found a blue baseball hat. @Vogue Thanks so much!

    FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!

    Signature By TacoCat

  • Hey @PinkyB! I love love your characters! I think Martha is my favorite, but I love lucy too!

    Oh neat @Fowzy, you should wear a blue baseball cap in VFK now!

    thank you dazzlerdream for the signature
  • @MistyMew Hi! Martha is my favorite too.

    FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!

    Signature By TacoCat

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