To my Internet friends:
Thank you for all you guys have done. Remember how they told us it was dangerous to talk to strangers online? That it'll end up hurting you instead of helping? I know it might get annoying sometimes but those silly little rants I write on here help me a lot. It makes me feel better to see that people actually understand me here.. In my opinion internet friends are better because they can't judge you as well because they often don't know what you look like. It makes it easier to have friends because they know you by your personality, not your looks. I wanted to thank who ever has helped me on here You guys are some of the best people I have ever met.
I hope that someday in the future when I'm older I'll get to me some of you, that would be great.
But for now, I'm just glad you're all here. .
I really love all the pictures you posted too :) These two are my favorites!
@SkyLamb no problem!