Captain Warlock - Chapter 1 - Walkthrough
It starts off as you, Captain Warlock, riding through the snow...
Step 1: When the vehicle stops, click on the trees blocking the cave entrance
Step 2: Enter the cave.
Step 3: Go back outside and ride the vehicle into the cave.
Step 4: Exit the vehicle by clicking the red button.
Step 5: Turn right and get the logs and twigs near the cave entrance.
Step 6: Yet again, go outside and keep going straight until you reach the evergreens.
Step 7: Pull out your laser, (make sure that it's set to high), and use it to cut down the tree.
Step 8: Do the same to the tree beside it.
Step 9: Return to the cave and use the two evergreens to cover the entrance.
Step 10: Click on the log beside the cave entrance and get the leaves from under it.
Step 11: Go into the cave and click on the empty space to the left of the area where you got the logs & twigs.
Step 12: (In exact order) Put down the leaves, then the twigs, then take out your laser (it MUST be set to low) and start the fire. THen put the logs over the fire.
Step 13: Now you must make a bed. Return to the outdoors and go to the last evergreen of the three.
Step 14: Set your laser back to high, and cut down the evergreen's branches.
Step 15: Go into the cave and click on the floor, put the branches on the floor.
Step 16: Click on the vehicle's trunk and take out the following items: Folded sleeping bag, blanklet, shovel, and what seems to be a small silver bucket.
Step 17: Click on the branches and put the sleeping bag on the floor, then the blanklet. Click on the bed to go to sleep.
Step 18: It's morning, you've been asleep for 6 hours. Go toward the entrance of the cave, (replace the laser's cap in the process), and click on the tree in the distance with no snow.
Step 19: Someone is hiding there who wants to attack you. Click the down arrow while you're still at the entrance, then get your shovel.
Step 20: Keep digging until you can't any longer.
Step 21: Hide behind the rock near the enemy's hideout. Pull out your laser and it'll shoot at the tree.
Step 22: Your enemy will send out drones to get you! Shoot at the drones multiple times until all three of them are gone. (Note, this might take a few tries.)
Step 23: Your enemy, who happens to be an alien, leaves his hideout. End of chapter.
Hope this walkthrough helped!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!