Miss Clue Fanatic: Season 3, Part 1
Scene: Martha and Lucy are waking up to start their day
Lucy: -Runs over to Martha's bed and starts jumping on it- MARTHA! Wake up, wake up!
Martha: -Wakes up with shock- What in the world! Lucy, get off!
Lucy: -Chuckles- Sorry! But come downstairs! Mom and Dad say they have something exciting to tell us!
Martha: How exciting?
Lucy: I didn't ask! But they always have great surprises!
Martha: Okay okay, let me get dressed first.
Lucy: I'll meet you downstairs! -Leaves the room-
(Martha changes into one of her favorite casual outfits, then goes downstairs.)
Martha: Morning Mom, morning Dad!
Jane & Josh: Good morning!
Josh: -Smiling- Your mother and I have something to tell you.
Lucy: We know! Now what is it?
Jane: In one week, we'll be taking a family vacation to Pemberley!
Martha: A vacation?? Awesome!
Lucy: Mom, Dad, what is Pemberley like??
Josh: Pemberley is a huge town with many fun activities that anyone would enjoy. It also has a lot of historical locations too.
Jane: In fact, I was born in Pemberley. Your father and I had our wedding there too.
Martha: -Gasp- Does that mean we'll be the ones visiting grandma and granddad then?
Jane: Yep!
Lucy: Yay!
Martha: How long will we be staying there?
Jane: Two weeks.
Lucy: No school for two weeks? Sounds great!
Scene two: Martha & Lucy are visiting Alice and Andrew
Alice/Kristi: Wow! Pemberley sounds great!
Andrew: Sounds pretty boring to me. It's probably one of those elegant towns that you find in Europe.
Martha: Nonsense! We're going to have a great vacation!
Lucy: I will miss Birch Island though. We've only lived here for ten months, but it seems like forever!
Martha: We'll only be gone for two weeks, we'll be back before you know it.
Alice/Kristi: John had been to Pemberley once with his dad J.A Packard.
Martha: Did he have a good time?
Alice/Kristi: Actually, he said it was kind of boring.
Andrew: Told you so!
Alice/Kristi: But it was probably because he was only there to compete with his dad in the Dog Show.
Lucy: There's dog shows in Pemberley?
Alice/Kristi: I guess so, but I don't think it's an everyday event.
Richard: (Calling from downstairs) Andrew, Kristi! Time for lunch!
Anne: (Calling from downstairs) We're having Italian chicken salad!
Andrew: Okay, coming! -Goes downstairs-
Martha: I guess we should get going then. Bye!
Alice/Kristi: Talk to you later!
Scene three: The next day at school
John: I don't know Martha, when I went to Pemberley, my only entertainment was showing off my dog.
Martha: But weren't you only involved in the Dog Show?
John: That's because I couldn't find anything else to do.
Martha: When did you go to Pemberley?
John: Around last year, why?
Martha: Well, maybe it changed since then. -She says as she puts her books in her locker-
John: -Shrugs- Maybe, maybe not. But from my experience, it was completely boring.
Martha: -Sighs-
Stay tuned for Season 3, Part 2!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
Glad that everyone likes it!
@iStella XD Maybe I can make it longer next time!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
Thank you Neon!
@MistyMew Ah I forgot to answer your question! Sorry! John's dog is a Golden Retriever. :)
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
Hi @Karylina! You'll be able to find my other parts through my profile! Just click on Discussions :)
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!
Awesome @Karylina! Enjoy!
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!