Im just still on the beginning. I think it is pretty big and there probably won't be a walk through for several days. Although it looks like @disfaniam is doing amazing playing it!
I don't know, but I don't think so. DisfanIam is very helpful here on the message boards and in VFK she is the one who always posts walk throughs here on miss clue!
Oh, I know, What I meant was is that a walkthrough on youtube probably won't be posted on there for several days since nobody has gotten all the way to the end yet :)
lol NO i dont have a you tube video channel and with as much detail and not set per chapter ( not sure how long this is even) like in past
I probably wont be doing a complete walk through since there is allot ( you will see that once u start playing ) but posting on other post what i have found , where i have gotten stuck etc hopefully that will help some really have been having an ongoing conversation there with mintie ( thank goodness ) so check out the posts there for some help .
@disfaniam oh no, my sister and I are just playing archery! we are having a blast but have no idea how long it is lol!
I was telling tessy that my sister and i started saving up to buy the game when it was announced so when it came out we had enough to buy 2. we only bought one so when vfk comes out with another we can buy it right off!