Pink's VFK Blog - VFK Driving Tips

Hey guys! So for this post I'm going to do something different, tips! I will be doing blog posts about tips every four posts! This will be the first one. This post will be how to properly drive your VFK car, rather it's a Quest car for all members or a Sports Car or members! Let's get started.

Tip 1: When you first get into your car, I suggest backing up first before going into the direction you want to go to, instead of turning to go in that direction right away. Backing up makes it a lot easier, and you won't have to worry about accidentally getting on the grass, and you also don't have to worry about getting in the wrong position. (NOTE: If you have a Sports Car, be more cautious than you would with a Quest car when backing up. Sports cars are bigger than Quest cars, so you could easily accidentally hit something, depending on how close you are to the grass.)

Backing up

Tip 2: Do not go too fast once you start driving. You never know what's ahead of you in the road. For example, if you were going too fast and you see a curve, you could easily pass the curve and go right into the grass! This mistake could also happen without curves. You could also accidentally hit other player's cars, or the player themselves.

High Speed

Tip 3: If you ever come to a curve in the road, slow down while turning. This will help you drive through a curve easily and with no problems at all. I suggest slowing down almost right away or when you almost hit the curve.


Tip 4: If you type while driving, the car won't move. You'll have to re-enter the car to make it move again. Many people type while driving, and I wouldn't say it's something to really avoid, but the re-entering and car stopping thing can get pretty annoying. (Do NOT try to talk while controlling the car at the same time. I tried doing it before, and it wasn't pretty. My car's speed was increasing higher and higher as I was typing, which wasn't good. Another thing that could occur while doing this is that your car could keep going straight without you driving it. You also won't be able to get out of the car.)

No Typing

Tip 5: If someone is in the car with you, don't go through any tunnels. The person who was in the car with you will not be in the car once you're through the tunnel.

Through Tunnel

Well, I hope that everyone enjoyed this post and that my tips were very helpful! ^_^

FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!

Signature By TacoCat


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