Rose's Super Blog - Post 10 - Won My First HOP!

Its been over 2 weeks since I last did a blog post!

So I got in queue for the Corn-Maze-O-Copia event and before I got in someone said a idea to follow people when they go in teleporters and if they disappear don't follow them but if they are still in the room go in the teleporter they were at! When I got in the room I
went in the first teleporter and then started I was scared of losing so I followed people going through the teleporters. But whenever there was 3 of them it was a tough decision. One of them would be the losing and one would be safe cause the third one would be the one you just came out of from the one you just went through. It seemed like some people were following others too cause they didn't want to lose but someone would of had to go in to see if that teleporter was safe or not. After a set of 3 we were stuck cause they didn't want to be the first to go in to risk getting the losing one someone went through one and they ended up getting the losing one so we knew not to go in there. :(  I also saw another person get the losing one so I went in the other one. I ended up making my way through and got the HOP! I won and its my first HOP I ever won and first time ever going in that event! I still feel bad for the two people who got the turkey chairs cause they probably wanted the HOP too and they had to go in the teleporter first cause nobody wanted to go first cause they didn't want to risk getting the turkey chairs. :(
"May the stars shine down on you."
-Rosalina ♥


  • Great blog post Super! Your best one yet! Congrats on winning the Horn Of Plenty. :)

    FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!

    Signature By TacoCat

  • Oh wow I love this blog!! And Congratulations on your first HOP!! That sounds like a fun game, maybe I can make it for the next one!
  • nice blog congrats on winning the cornucopia!
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