In this post, I will be telling you exactly what to do to complete Chapter One in Secret of the Haunted Garden.
So we start our chapter with Jane reading her letter to Nixie. Jane is going to go to Mrs. Danforth's Dyer Mansion to help around the house. We watch the scene play out, as Jane walks up to the front door. You knock, but suddenly the sound of digging fills the air. Curious, of course, you venture to the right and come to a gate. You watch as what looks like a Grim Reaper sees you, and then quickly disappears.
Mrs. Danforth has answered the door, and is now inviting you inside. When you enter the house, she calls you into the kitchen. To get to the kitchen, walk forward a few steps. When you come to a double door, turn left. You talk to Mrs. Danforth and tell her about the reaper. But she thinks it was only someone in costume.
You talk with Mrs. Danforth for a while. Finally you decide it's time to start on your chores. You ask her what she needs done. Mrs. Danforth gives you three options. You will have to complete all three of these to finish the chapter, but she lets you choose what order you want to do them in. You can either make candy apples, gather items to put in the "Special Box", or dust.
Finding Items for the "Special Box"
Mrs. Danforth will give you a list of things to find around the house. Here are where each of the items are located.
Plush Cow & Turkey Lamp: Exit the kitchen. Go to the front door, and then turn around and walk a few steps. You should see a nightstand next to the kitchen door. Click this, open the nightstand door, and the plush cow and turkey lamp should be inside.
Here is a photo

Books & Picture: Exit the kitchen. Walk all the way back to the front door where you came inside. Turn left 5 times, and open the doors you see. This leads to the living room. Once inside, turn all the way around. You will see a cabinet. Click this and open the doors on the left. The books should be there, and make sure to grab the picture afterwards as well.
Here is a photo.

Wedding tablecloths & Peanut Squirrels: Exit the kitchen. Take one step forward, and one step right. You will see a dresser in front of some boxes and beside a door. Click this, open the door to the dresser, and the tablecloths and squirrels should be inside.
Here is a photo.

Return to the kitchen and place all items in the box marked "Extra Special". Talk to Mrs. Danforth again to continue.
Making Caramel Apples
Mrs. Danforth has asked you to make some caramel apples. Here is how to do this.
Step forward once and click the kitchen behind Mrs. Danforth. Click the bag of popsicle sticks or the caramel filled pot to get closer. Click the bag of popsicle sticks, and then click again to have one in your hand. Click an apple, and then again to have one in your hand. Then click the caramel. Do these steps 8 times, and you will be finished. (Jane will help you keep count)
Return to Mrs. Danforth to continue.
Mrs. Danforth has asked you to dust, starting in the living room. Here is how to complete this task.
Exit the kitchen. To get to the living room, go to the front door where you came in. Turn to the left and enter the room in front of you. Once inside, turn to the right twice. Click the desk to get closer. Click the rag Mrs. Danforth gave you and click the desk 3 times. Once in the middle, once on the left, and once on the right. You will find a secret compartment. Grab the key.You will notice something different about the painting.
Return to Mrs. Danforth to continue.
After you have finished all three tasks, talk to Mrs. Danforth and discuss your findings. It's time to go to bed. Exit the kitchen and start up the stairs. Watch the following scene, and the chapter is completed!
I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough. :)
The role of an artist
is the same as the role of a lover
If I love you,
I must make you conscious of things
you don't see.
Wow, thank you so much :) Yes I hope to do walkthroughs of each chapter in SOTHG! And I might post walkthroughs for Formula for Danger, but I'm not sure. I think many people have completed that already.