The Haunting of Victorian Age (New Message Boards Series/Story)
This is a new series based on VFK and Victorian Age! It's also based on an actual event.
Starring: PinkyB! (Paige) and me! (Victoria)
Show type: Comedy/Mystery/Scary
Let's begin...
Paige and Amy walked down the creepy Victorian streets. They were on their way to Autumn Imports. The prize that Miss Claire was giving out was coming soon, and they wanted to be able to witness it!
Amy: -Panting- Are we there yet?
Paige: We have been walking for less than two minutes!
Amy: Too long!
Paige: -Sighs-
Amy: Just give me a chance to catch my breathe!
Paige: Seriously, Amy? xD
Amy: LOL.
(They arrive at Autumn Imports)
Paige: Now, was that too bad?
Amy: Yes! Yes it was! I've never walked that far in my entire life! 'D:
Paige: LOL! Oh Amy...
Amy: -Looks over at mummy basket- I really need that basket...
Paige: Well, do you have the candy that's needed?
Amy: No, I used it all to make Candynado Enchantment.
Random person in the store: Candynado?? Is it for trade?
Amy: Nope, sorry!
Random: Not even for Shark Enchantment?
Paige: Ooh, I'll take that off of your hands! Twenty grand?
Random: Deal!
(While they're trading, Amy sees something out of the window... It seems to be a girl with Specter enchantment.)
Amy: :o What's that?
Paige: -Finishes trade- What's what?
Amy: You don't see the girl out of the window?
Paige: Oh, now I see her. Maybe it's a new Halloween effect?
Amy: I don't know...
Paige: Let's go out and see!
(They walked out of Autumn Imports)
Paige: I don't see anyone here.
Amy: Yeah, me neither.
Paige: Well, that was strange.
Amy: Let's go back in.
Victoria: -Whispering- 1837...Where is 1837?
Paige: We can say that now??
Amy: -Tries to say it- No... That's weird.
Victoria: 1837 to 1901!
To be continued...
FANTASTIC! Thanks Taco!!