Is there more Miss Clue after Formula For Danger ends?

Do you think there's gonna be another Miss Clue game after Formula For Danger ends tomorrow? I REALLY LOVE MISS CLUE I CANT LIVE WITHOUT IT :(

so many questions and NO DONUTS




  • OMG I don't know!!! I sure hope to @DonutLuverr!!!!! I LOVE IT TOO!!

    thank you dazzlerdream for the signature
  • I'm sad to see Miss Clue come to a end but on the homepage it says there will be a Miss Clue secret of the garden Halloween special in October! Here is the loading screen of it:


    2015-09-05 06_30_56 PM Super_Princess_Rosalina - Travelling to... Victorian - The Haunting of Sleepy Hollow - Outer Lobby

    "May the stars shine down on you."
    -Rosalina ♥
  • OMG the next one looks spooky o:
    Sheep_Trimmed blossomflower Sheep_Trimmed  - Just ask if you'd like me to make you a GIF or Sig Bar!
  • DonutLuverr said:

    Do you think there's gonna be another Miss Clue game after Formula For Danger ends tomorrow? I REALLY LOVE MISS CLUE I CANT LIVE WITHOUT IT :(

    There will be a Peril in Pemberly, which will come out on DVD. And, there's a Haunted Garden, or something. I just know that they will be more. :) Just keep a look out.

    - Purplellama VFK. XOXO

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